as if millions of hellcat owners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...
as if millions of hellcat owners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...
I could have went the rest of my life without a Paula Poundstone reference. Dont’ get me wrong now, I’m not saying I wanted it that way, only that it seemed highly probable.
I’ve been ranting at these commercials for weeks now. But especially the part where she talks about crashing into a tree. I was like, “Research how to DRIVE, idiot!”
I would pay good money to see Mayweather try to pronounce and/or spell Koenigsegg. That would truly be the fight of the century.
Moving beehives around the country is one of the main reasons why we are loosing bees every year in dramatic numbers. 12 bees, working a full season, will produce a teaspoon of honey. Loosing 400 colonies is not good, nor the producer, nor the rest of us.
28.5 Liter engine, chain drive, and no front brakes or safety equipment of any kind.
No one likes street pizza
Do you heel and toe when you shift it?
Just a heads up it all comes out of our paycheck. I paid 850 for “rent” in a 3 man room and 235 for a chow hall that wasn't open half the time. Take home pay was 800 every 15 days. We also have to pay into our GI Bill benefits
Pig: “My back leg is in between two pillows.”
A League of They’re Owned
Speak for yourself, there are two S2000s in my driveway.
>“What a Triumph”
My brother owns a nightclub in Austin and after watching some hipsters fail at changing a tire out in front of his club one night commented on how sad it was watching these guys with beards fail when he’s seen drag queens do it without breaking a nail or screwing up their makeup.
The attacker was able to flee the scene because everyone runs faster with a knife.