
I’m not colorblind, but I love it. It is just the right amount of absurd. That being said; CP all day long.

can I bring a LeSabre?

A meeting in Dearborn:

This makes so much sense! Now I understand why they race on Sundays!

As an electrical engineer, I approve this comment

Invest the money. Save the money. What's good for the hedge funds aren't good for America.

>> [..]and parks his car in the handicap space at his office. He owns the building and land so its probably okay...

I hope he gets fined, for reals!

Another awesome variant, and a rad commision from Ramos

In the 1850s a man named Hadley was operating a steam-powered mill in Gloucester, England. I'm told that town name is only two-syllables when spoken aloud despite how it appears in print.

I mean it even says Geo Metro in the article.

SPACE RANGER!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn, hate VA for that, love some of the back roads though. I always assumed they have to claim 71 (FFCP being mostly 50?) to be in the 'reckless' zone, so maybe he just didn't want to deal with it - or maybe I need to try to stay 1 mph slower? Cruise out on 267 when there's no traffic and the concept of 20 over being

Glacial profiling.

gotta have engines first boss....ROR

"When Busch Comes to Shove" ~ Future book title

Reminder: The blogger that keeps writing these posts and calling people asshats rolled a Bug on a public road.

"Well that's how these straps work; you just go!"


I mean, he got the Ram unstuck...
