Am I the only one that thinks he really needs an "-enburger" on the end of his name? Seriously, doesn't Bob Lutzenburger just sound so much better?
Am I the only one that thinks he really needs an "-enburger" on the end of his name? Seriously, doesn't Bob Lutzenburger just sound so much better?
pretty sure she's already sending messages from the deep end there. Now we wait.
My wife and I have had discussions about this arc, the "I'm not a child anymore, see, I can be mean, and here are my boobies!" transition from child star to adult. I keep waiting to see what happens with iCarly. My money is still on Carly, Sam just seems like she has a better grip on things. (sadly)
yeah, I didn't even see that car behind him until I re-watched the vid
"one of these lines is not like the others, one of these race lines doesn't belong.."
Máté, did you do the picture location edit? If so, thanks! Just where I was trying to highlight.
max weight is 140. Only skinny bastards need apply.
big sky little bullet theory.
my wiife's Yaris will make your head explode, scanner style, if you drop just one window at 35-40. crazy
"I was waiting for the one solid contact with his face, but unfortunately it never came."
I had a helmet custom painted once. I came up with a design, did a rough sketch of what I wanted, took it to a shop, had it painted just the way I wanted. The wind blew it off my bike, rolled it about 50 feet, and off the edge of a cliff into the GRAND FREAKIN CANYON, just a few months later. I was less than…
Apparently DuClaw has something similar with their "Sweet Baby Jesus," a chocolate peanut butter porter.
Yeah, I learned in a `79 Lincoln Town Car. The 4 door, no less. My god that was such a big car. Just the hood was about 5 feet long.
Machine gunner is another good one. If you have someone behind the driver, they grab his ears, yell "machine gun!" and start making recoil-esque motions with the drivers head until he (or she, I guess) makes machine gun noises.
So what your trying to tell us it that your "2 cents worth" to us mere mortals is worth at least a nickel?