
So the driver can get outta trouble faster than he can get into it, of course

"Rectum??? Hell, damn near killed him!"

me neither!

It's the hand in the pocket. With it buttoned, the shoulder gets pulled way back, and the waist has nowhere to give it the room, so it has to pull away like that. Admittedly, if he had his arm straight, perspective might have made it look like he was heading to capitol of Thailand, so, hard to say what the right

"Thank you, Chuck Norris!"

The Cygnet is now the most awesome buy out there. Sir Stirling Moss bought one (shown at the top), so it gets a little street cred there. It's a totally obscure piece of automotive history – so obscure that even Aston Martin has completely hidden reference to it from their website. Jalops like an underdog and a

I had this alot with my S2000 as well. Had someone shit on the hood, had tires slashed, antennas stolen on a regular basis... And all this happened in the suburbs! Didn't piss anyone off that I know of, not running any loud exhaust... just general pissed off kids jealous is the conclusion that I came to.

At least he didn't try using a gerbil.

you can read that as "recognize"...

Seriously??? What, are you that insane that you would WANT to see that?

Holy grievous error Batman! You missed one of the most important ships ever!

He just needs a driver to get him between racetracks. He hasn't realized that "gee, I'm such a safe driver, I never have any accidents at all!" doesn't count if you leave tangled piles of wrecked cars behind you, all because you couldn't pay attention to what you were doing, and were too self righteous, self

They have the suspension staggered so that the heavier the load, the more wheels come in contact with the ground. Keeps the rolling resistance down, if I recall, as well as making heavy loads easier on the road surface.

You would have thought he owned a Probe!

I'm just gonna say that I think we now have the #1 top spot for what not to put on your car.

Okay, now here's my question. How is it that the Panther is so freakin awesome in these movies that herds of them keep up with these elite hypercars, tuned within thousands of an inch of killing themselves? Especially when the million dollar hardware is being driven by "the best of the best," and the panthers are

Man, that cut's gonna need stitches! He better not let it get infected.

1979 Fiat Spyder. Wait, here me out. I have a good reason, well five good reasons anyway. I was downtown DC at a pickup soccer game when it started to rain. It was quickly realized that I was one of the only ones with a car, and so it quickly became me and 5 beautiful girls all piled into the car. 45 minute trip

daaaaaaaaaaaaammmmn. That's nice.

And I even like the color!