
So how do you feel about the women he killed?

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

I wish lawyers the best of luck arguing that in-game items have no value, but I’m not gonna hold my breath on that one. The simple fact people spend real money at a chance to acquire them disproves that argument.

People buy their 9 year olds M rated games all the time, but gambling would get them an AO, the dreaded porn game rating. Stores like Walmart would sudden;y not carry Call of Duty and Star Wars Battlefront, and it would hurt the publishers.

Except the net neutrality situation is the exact opposite. The FCC is trying to remove regulations in place to protect consumers. It is deregulation.

Regulations are put into place to protect consumers and the general public. This is a good thing. Regulations mean you no longer have to worry about human fingers accidentally being in one of your hotdogs.

You know, it’s quite fitting that EA would be the one to over-extend and get actual politicians to look into this loot box bullshit. Congrats to them for being so horrible that people finally noticed.

In other words, he wasn’t fired BECAUSE he didn’t want to make his games Freemium, but the fact he didn’t want to meant they didn’t have much of a reason to keep him on come layoff season.

Good move, though they would have reaped more benefits sales-wise if they’d done it a week ago.

EA needs to learn that goodwill is valuable as well, though in a different way than all the money they’d make through loot boxes. It’s a balancing act, for sure, and some companies get away with being pretty evil, like

a common thread in these recent stories seems to be how poorly HR departments handle claims and really only serve the company’s best interests rather than its employees. Hopefully these shitty incidents will spark some change.

Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.

Dumb article that only exists for a click, which in turn references a dumb essay that itself only exists for a click.

“Hey guys, some people used this art/historical moment/idea for racist/sexist/etc. purposes, and it is wrong wrong wrong to reference the art/historical moment/idea without referencing (read:

My immediate family members said and did a whole lot of awful shit to me when I was a kid so much so we not exactly tight as adults. I don’t want to be.

The guy will be dead in 6 months. At least he’s saying “something”. Yes, it’s not enough, yes, he’s a product of Washington, only there because his wife’s papa had money. But at least he’s saying something. I’m afraid for our country at this point. There’s way too many deers in the headlights. If more people don’t

Y’know what really bothers me about the whole “biased media, fake news, they’re just out to get Trump” bullshit? It’s that never in my life have I seen an administration or a President covered more fairly than this one.


Is this necessary? Kimmel’s healthcare and gun violence monologues were great examples of someone with a voice that people listen to going, “This is horribly fucked up and something needs to be said”. That’s a good thing. People who don’t follow political blogs or watch the news regularly may have seen that and had

“There’s basically no difference between Trump and Clinton. They’ll do a lot of the same thing. So it doesn’t matter who I vote for or even if I vote for a 3rd party.”
- Pieces of shit 2016