
First of all, bullshit on the police being required to investigate. They may be required to officially open an investigation, but that doesn’t mean they are going to spend time and resources on it. Do you have any idea how many police reports are filed in a year? That doesn’t they get a real investigation. Your car

I really doubt that. Police tend to have more on their plate than they can deal with already. Crimes, up to and including murder, go unsolved just because there aren’t enough resources to solve them. The idea that they are going to go out and investigate a crime for which there is no evidence, and there isn’t likely

No, it doesn’t. You go to the cops, they tell you there is no evidence, and then unless you actually tell the groper you went to the cops, he’s not even going to know about it. They aren’t going to contact him, because that’s not even enough to start an investigation. It leaves no evidence. 

So, what’s your solution? It seems like you would consider any public accusation to immediately be a witch hunt. Let’s take an example where it is completely true. Hypothetically, a woman is working in this industry, and a male coworker or boss or maybe he’s a dev and she’s a reporter, whatever, he makes very

It weirds me out that people get mad at Twitter for this, or act like it’s the wrong platform. It became the platform for speaking out when it became a place that people can easily make public statements. I don’t see why this would be any better or worse if it was 20 years ago and the person just called reporters with

Very possibly. But victims shouldn’t stay silent because their attacker might be in a bad place mentally. The sad truth is, people who do really bad things are generally pretty messed up. 

First of all, you don’t know what victims have gone to the authorities. They don’t always tell the public what legal actions they have taken.

Second, with little or no evidence, there is little the authorities can do. If a guy grabs a woman, or says something sexist, what possible evidence is she going to have to

They really need to have the Bonk games in the US. Those games hold up surprisingly well. 

I doubt it. It might free more up for that, if that’s what they wanted and they were being held up by the publisher demanding they keep the rating low, but I doubt they would use that as an excuse. There really wouldn’t be a need to.

I think the most likely effect would be that they would consider it a ban. If these

There was the fiver thing, and the time he did the Nazi salute. He also recommended to his followers a neo-Nazi channel, and later claimed he had only watched the one video, even though that’s not what he said when he recommended it. He’s also dropped racial slurs on his channel, including the n-word.

Here’s the problem: Everything he’s doing is catnip for racists. I’m not questioning his motives. I don’t really care if he’s actually racist or if he just thinks this shit is funny. I’m just not interested. But that “YouTube is going to delete my channel because I’m white” video was red meat for Nazis whether it was

It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...

Did you read the article?

If a disabled person in a wheelchair were trying to get into a building, and it wasn’t wheelchair accessible, would you tell them “there are plenty of other buildings out there”?

I get that not every game can be for everyone, but your attempt at not being overly harsh failed.

Innocent until proven guilty is a legal standard. When you’re talking about harassment, and no legal charges are involved, the standard of evidence is lower. If you’ve got credible evidence, you should kick the person out of the tournament. And we haven’t seen what evidence they have, but we do know that Kotaku has

I think this will work very well for the tiny fraction of consumers that have internet fast and stable enough to run it. I just think it's a terrible idea as a business move for them because not enough people have that. It is just too soon for this. The internet infrastructure is not ready.

Well said. I found out from playing Overwatch that I have addiction issues. I’m in my mid-30s, I guess I was in my early 30s at the time, and I had no idea. But those loot boxes affect me. When I sat down to play Overwatch, eventually the gameplay didn’t matter. The games didn’t matter. All I could think about is loot

The thing with 38 Studios was that the way they shut down was terrible, though. They didn’t warn people. People got to Friday, thinking they were going to get paid, and then they got a memo saying “there’s no more money. You wont’ be paid. Pack your shit.” So, those people worked for 2 weeks for no money, and didn’t

If you have to shut down, that’s sad. If you have to lay people off, I understand that’s a necessity. When you have to do it without giving them the basic severance package they should be able to expect, that’s where I get mad. This reminds me of Curt Schilling’s 38 Studios debacle. When the money is running out, lay

At the end of the day, they were built to protect the industry. Yes, that is what they are supposed to do. It’s supposed to be about self policing. And if they had done that in this case, the industry wouldn’t be in trouble right now.