
Not paying income tax is not very relevant when the median income is $19k. Most of them are too poor to pay anything.

Some people fail to understand the purpose of the federal government. One big problem with people’s thinking right now is how some think the government can or should be run like a business. The federal government should not be run like a business; as a tool used to exploit weaker entities for it’s own benefit.

Dude, that’s a troll.

Fun fact: FEMA is still operating in Louisiana post-Katrina.

I totally agree, but I have to say, I was curious so I checked into her news program and even that shocked me. Like, if she’s not being an argumentative jerk on Fox News, she is utterly boring. Her “straight news” voice is actually incredibly hard to listen to.

Kinda like Michael Jordan taking a stab at baseball. A bad idea any way you slice it.

It’s getting harder to believe that these tragic (and shameful on the part of the federal response) circumstances won’t lead to a mass exodus of Puerto Ricans to the mainland. If and when that happens, I hope they’ll all move to Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc. and remember the near-indifference and

He does seem like a nice guy. But I’ve always thought he should be somebody’s Ed McMahon or Andy Richter: the sidekick. It still baffles me that he’s got his own late night show, let alone the tonight show.  

Posted before, but SO valid:


Don’t look at me.

Agreed. There’s a limit to the level of self-laughies I’m willing to tolerate and Jimmy Fallon has been surpassing it since his SNL days.

This! Taking a personality out of a specific media environment (ie, tailored audience of aged conservative Christians) for another and expecting success is like expecting a shark to be an effective predator on land.

They could send her out to “urban” areas to give unsolicited advice. That might go over well.

Art Guys[tm]

Its an attitude that appears to be pervasive throughout Hollywood. If you are successful and make the studios lots of money, you can do whatever you want and are untouchable. Money makes right and everyone else will stay silent about it.

All of those things are things he said during his act.

Genuinely curious as to their justification as well. From the outside looking in, it appears that they’re trying really hard to destroy a man’s career based on a rumor that’s been repeatedly discredited and denied by all parties the alleged sexual misconduct was supposed to have involved. It also appears that over

I agree... why include CK in the picture header and not reference him in the article if he is “problematic”? The first two were referenced by name, CK — no mention at all... That feels more “problematic” than anything else.

*edited for punctuation

Has there been any responses to the Jezebel (or was it Splinternews) call for people to come forward about Louis CK? If not, there’s no proof. Why does the site keep condemning by association then? What’s your editorial justification?