really... theres no need to own anything other than a bolt action rifle or a shotgun..
really... theres no need to own anything other than a bolt action rifle or a shotgun..
How about forcing gun owners to buy liability insurance for each weapon like they do cars? It does not infringe on the right to bear arms, but acts as part of the well regulated militia section that the NRA and their ilk ignore.
Dissent, but obviously subjective. Part of what made Frank work for me in DDS2 was certainly the contrast between Frank and Matt and the rapport between Frank and Karen. It also made it easier that Frank was not the star and often the antagonist. It’s possible that Punisher will be a bad show, no question, but I’m…
100%, “well if we can’t stop everyone what’s the point of taking any of the guns away!” fucking imbred simply minded stupid fucks make me so angry I could just....
This, exactly. We live in a society based on rules, and while none of them are ever 100% effective, we would never seriously consider just resorting to pure anarchy. That is insane on a fundamental level.
EXACTLY! I am tired of that bullshit excuse. If we only do things if they are 100% effective nothing would ever get done.
Exactly! Even if the laws wouldn’t have prevented THIS incident (which as pointed out by the thread starter, might be bullshit), how many OTHER deaths could be prevented?
What I don’t get is that, in fact, an assault weapons ban would have worked here. He wasn’t a criminal buying firearms on the black market; he purchased them legally. A ban on assault weapons would have abso-fucking-lutely prevented him from obtaining assault rifles and bump-stocks!
There are special places in hell for this lot.
I’m not responding in outrage to the Las Vegas shooting. I’m still trying to have a respectful discussion about Sandy Hook. It’s going to be a few more years before I get to Las Vegas.
Any mention of noted clod Donald Trump, Jr. should be proceeded by “noted clod”.
#noshit will be hearing from my #lawyer!
Getting one of your employees with a Jewish sounding name to explain your anti-Semitic video is just some good, solid public relations...but having them explicitly state multiple times that they are Jewish on top of that is a little much.
Exactly. This is the not-that-subtle distinction that people who are paid millions of dollars every year to decide what goes on network TV should be able to make, right? At Fox News it didn’t really matter who was spouting the “Jesus and Santa Claus are white, libtards!” bullshit to mouth-breathing male, white…
A simulation of the exact moment when an Ennn Beee See execubot realized that he/she fucked up huge with MK.
This is one of the worst cases of a writers’ room not getting their host that I’ve seen in a long time. With the right host, either (both?) of those jokes could land.
For profit health care is degrading the United States to third world status faster than any other regressive policy the conservative fascists can burrow out of their fetid think tanks. Any not for profit system would be a boon for 95% of our population at this point. Medicare for all. Doctors who don’t like it can…
The Republicans have become willing hostages of the Kochs. When the Kochs demand that they do something or lose 400m in funding, they do it.
Ah yes, that makes this bill so much better now that it super clearly panders to GOP states with increased budgets for them alone.