
How much of a sad, thin-skinned narcissist is the President of the United States that he cares what an ESPN anchor says? POTUS feuding with an ESPN anchor really seems like punching down. It’s amazing how much he’s lowered the office.

Also, Jemele’s right.

There has been a concerted effort on The Root lately to link Taylor Swift to neo-Nazis and KKKers. It’s pretty sad to watch from supposed journalists who should know better.

Actually Trump was pulling for the Nazis to win each week on Hogan’s Heroes.

I just assumed it was a metaphor for the election where both alternatives are hot garbage, but one was a larger dumpster fire. Or alternatively, black and white people have differing, but terrible taste in music.

I can’t help but feel like this is glossing over the reality that there are vastly different audiences and what the Billboard Top 100 factors into their rankings means TSwift is going to be on top not because she is white, but because she has a larger audience. Sorry, it isn’t some proxy battle or anything.

These shows will be very popular in red states and, literally, no place else.

Exactly my point. If you have a price, you can be bought, and it’s relatively easy to talk someone down once they’ve established the fact that they can be bought.

but there is the curve... if enough votes are captured, your vote value would drop to zero.

I will read the rest of the post in a moment.

I hope the Democrats are smart enough to realize he could turn on them at any time.

Plus when it comes to keeping every single member in your caucus in lockstep, Pelosi has WAY more pull than Ryan within her party. Ryan is losing respect fast while Pelosi is only gaining more.

You don’t become rich by spending a lot of money.

What disturbs me most of all in this is that the White House, through Sarah Huckabee Sanders, deigned to comment on this—and more specifically, that they effectively called for Ms. Hill to be fired.

The last time I checked, the First Amendment exists specifically to protect citizens against government retribution for

More useless, unverifiable, anonymous rumors.

This. If you think he’s guilty and therefore lying about this then that’s one thing (which would also demand actual proof not just blind items and rumors). But you can’t say he’s totally refusing to address it when his straight-forward denial is in the same freaking article.

Yeah, I didn’t get the headline either. Since he is saying he didn’t do it, he discussed it, and there isn’t a lot more you would expect him to say.

Jezebel likes to pretend this never happened.

Isn’t him saying...

“So it’s not real? “No.” he responded. “They’re rumors, that’s all that is.””

Wait, SWAT took this realistically enough to shoot a man who supposedly was going to murder innocents, but used rubber bullets when they raided his home? I don’t know how I feel about this without knowing their effectiveness. It could(?) cut down on casualties during raids, and I’m thankful they did it here. Still