Always remember when they say they are going to get the criminals first (or bad hombres, as our president might call them), that’s bullshit. They define coming here illegally as a criminal act, so they see all of them as criminals.
The only thing worse is that their audience is exactly the kind of people who would pitch a fit about what their tax dollars are being spent on if they have to wait 15 minutes at the DMV.
Refugees go through such ridiculous background checks already, assholes! They are checked better than anyone else coming into the country! If ISIS wants to sneak somebody in, literally any other way is better. As a student, tourist, sneaking them over the border, etc. All easier than hiding a sleeper in the…
I don’t understand how an airliner has so much power over their customers that they can force already-boarded patrons off a plane in order to accommodate someone with a lower-tier ticket type (the lower tier type being a standby ticket, where the ticket holder has agreed to wait for am unclaimed seat).
Who are these people? Pretty sure any good will that Disney had with gamers in particular, was soured when they closed Lucasarts and cancelled Star Wars 1313.
Can anyone explain why the fuck that asshole is in Florida right now? Should he be in DC, since he’s trying to start a war?
Later, Trumped shamed Xi into buying boxes of his granddaughter’s Girl Scout cookies.
I saw Sigourney Weaver promote this movie on Colbert yesterday. I was confused. Because what she was saying made the movie sound transphobic as hell, but shouldn’t Sigourney know better? All of this sounds very much not okay.
This is exactly where I’m at. If I trusted the motives or impulse control of the person in charge, I would feel more comfortable with this.
And were those Syrian children gassed to death because Clueless Tillerson gave Assad the coded Go signal with his “status of President Assad decided by the Syrian people” screw-up remark? The logic looks good to me.
Yeah that’s the other side of the sword. The more dire and heartbreaking, the more effective. So, does that incentivise human torture for political messaging? Oyoyoy.
What you’re doing is being lazy. Be consistent with talking to them regularly, and showing them how they should conduct themselves, but being some sort of bully is going to make them hate you.
Seriously, it took my a long time to unpack why I’m the age that I’m at and have the horrible relationship that I have with my parents. I can talk to them sometimes, but I have a baseline fear of them that will probably never go away.
I have read, but can’t find right now, peer-reviewed research that shows a positive correlation between (white Americans’) childhood physical “discipline” and their adult violent and abusive behavior. The principle surely applies across all ethnicities.
To admit that beating children is abuse is to have to admit that you have been abused. And that is fucking hard. It forces a perspective shift, a ridiculously painful shift. I have been on team I got beat and I turned out fine. But it was never a parenting technique that I felt the need to emulate. And having to dig…
That's true. At the same time, not everyone playing Alex Kidd in 1986 is in or past the sixth grade. Not all of them speak or write English as a first language. And not all of them have awesome school systems where the teachers teach every possible vocabulary term at every grade level.