
Whenever I load this up in Minecraft, PSN goes down.

Wow, the memories return. I was questioning if I had it right in my initial post, but you're right, that was leaked info prior to the "official" announcement.

I've been having the reply issue, too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't do anything...

Yeah, I've had assorted things like that happening recently.

same here..on my iPhone at least!

Soooo NEVER....Like you mean in 2009 when it was down for the entire month of December, when they gave everyone LMAO Undertow to make up for it unless you already owned it then you got nothing but the finger....Yeah might wanna think before you say never because it has happened

No, it was originally always online, then it was the daily check-in, then they took it out completely. You may recall we were told to "deal with it."

I do wish people would stop separating players into "console gamers" and "PC gamers". Can't we all just agree that we love video games and stop worrying about what platform others play on? I'll play a game on whatever platform I prefer, depending on my personal preference and play style. And I certainly don't care

Good thing XBO doesn't require players to log in each time just to play a game, like how Microsoft initially intended....As usual, the people know and foresaw incidents like this coming.

Just got back on to PSN. Yet still cannot play GTA Online ( not able to download relevant files or some jazz ).

Fine for me as well. For both the 360 and the XB1.

Beats me. But since my comment isn't mentally scarring a 13 year old and contributing to creating the sociopaths of tomorrow, it'll probably take its time.

Sooo...this dude thought buying his 13-year niece a PS4 with GTAV was a good idea - never mind the fact that he never checked the contents of a returned item.

This was simply the universe punishing an idiot for attempting to buy GTAV for a 13 year old.

Well, often. Criminal Acts only "defence" is to put up the "David and Goliat "-perspective. Sony and Microsofts are the big bad company , what they are doing isn't "wrong" because they think their enemy is a bigger threat to the society. But it is hard to take them serious to provide "they don't pay taxes" as an

Pretty much this. The fact guy outright says he decides against going out and socialising with his friends to instead sit at home, learn "skills" and ultimately piss a huge amount of people off in a cowardly manor, says it all.

The sad part is... Those said teens, grow up to be adults with the same mind frame... I should know, I live with someone who is 60+ and still smirks for twisting the knob on the coffee machine or standing in the way of the frying pan. They don't grow up, because they weren't disciplined hard enough

Sure its "just games" for some people here. But to others, they worked hard, shitty jobs in order to buy an experience for themselves or their kids. To see them happy at Christmas. To see them smile when they open that game. Its not the game, its the gift itself, or even the down time to relax after busting your ass

Well, no, they didn't steal anything. As far as I know, this type of attack doesn't actually require breaking into the system. The only thing this attack shows is how weak the systems are to this type of attack, not actual hacking. There really isn't a larger purpose. If you look at their statements, they were

How are these guys speaking out against injustice? According to their own statements they were just doing it to prove that Microsoft and Sony have shitty security. Based on their statements, it's also pretty clear that this was motivated by a false sense of superiority. If they were doing it to bring attention to