This. A million times, this.
This. A million times, this.
Just because they are jokes doesn't make it okay. People like to think that anything is okay just because it's a joke, but that's just BS. If the underlying principle of your joke is racist, it's funny to you because you are a racist. If your joke is making light of rape, it sends the pretty terrible message that…
Because this is gaming culture. Whether you think this guy deserves an article or not is irrelevant. He's a cultural phenomenon in the world of gaming.
You realizing that you share in that fascination by talking about him, right? Maybe just... not click on articles blatantly about this guy? Seems easy to do.
The big issue is that SWTOR is the one and only successor to the Knights of the Old Republic duology from a decade ago. But those were single player RPGs, and SWTOR is an MMO—with all the baggage that comes with that.
Warcraft has never been about you being the sole hero. Its been about a large force working together. Which is why storyline wise it works so well. Brave heroes band together to get purples!
The entire justification of this instead of a proper KOTOR game was that we'd get "more". Yeah, well, no we didn't. We get a very, very mediocre storyline and 8 classes that share far too much of that same storyline. Not exactly "more", and to make things worse the game is a damn slog. Here's a summary of SWTOR's…
I've always hated the Free To Pay Model in general and in SWTOR it just fucking limits you on things(like every other FTP) few MMOs do it right in my opinion. I'll just rather pay the dumb ass monthly fee than be put behind pay-walls and gear caps.
Current state of SWTOR is awful because their free to pay model is still there, and shows no signs of going anywhere.
Note: "pay" isn't a typo.
Why the hell are you looking from a business standpoint? You're supposed to be a consumer. And even Sony and MS has bled money for a longer time. And they're doing OK. Sony did ok last gen. The huge losses are overblown as well because of the stronger Yen. Even Sony experienced that. Toss your hate and bias aside and…
That's last year. Everyone's pretty much happy with the Wii U this year. Why are fucking haters and fanboys stuck on 2013 news. It's the end of 2014 already, get with the times.
I don't agree with these kinds of announcements/news breaks so far from actual release. Really detracts from the WiiU as a legitimate product; plus only after 2 years?? Of course R&D is ongoing, but it's behind closed doors. A couple quality games per year is NOT "providing a robust line-up of Wii U software" imo.…
good for him for getting rich and everything but if I had money like that I certainly wouldn't blow 70 million on a house. I could literally live off of 70 million for the rest of my life.
No, s/he is just saying that excess can be sickening sometimes. You don't have to own a $70 million home with replicas of art you probably don't care about in order to feel successful, no?
Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.
I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.
As an Xbox fan who stupidly bought the earlier version of the xbox one - I know have a very expensive piece of plastic sitting in front of my tv which I never use. So it was a disappointment to be forced into buying it.....
Same as the massive collusion to create the "GAMERS ARE DEAD" narrative.
This is the disappointments list. The disgraceful embarrassment thread will come later.