
Hardware has very little do with backwards compatibility. It is all software. Have all the engine capabilities built into the new system. The reason they don't want to do this is that it would have been hard to make money because a lot of developers would opt to release games to last gen consoles rather than next gen

Same, well I have a few PS4's already (one a gift from Sony). But I would love it if they at least tried to get b/c working on these systems. Don't even need to add anything to them, I just want to box up my old ones.

If the PS4 was backwards compatible, I wouldn't even think twice about upgrading.

they can, but they shouldn't. But I'd gladly trade Hatred if it meant Steam removed real gaming atrocities from the store

Some POC will tell you that white allyship is not needed, but it is. If we want society to progress, members of the majority and minority have to work together to get towards that point. The first and most important rule to being a good ally is to listen. Listen and pay attention to what POC are saying and understand

I think the problem with that is that no matter what we do, someone says it's wrong. For every suggestion we get of something to do, someone else says that isn't the way to do it.

Your essay makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don't know how to help or be an ally. I work with kids in the family court system, either through abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency/incorrigability. I want to fight for these kids, the majority of whom are POC. How do we do that without becoming a "good white person"?

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.


It's like how some bookstores sell Mien Kampf and others do not.

But no one was ever telling the devs they were wrong to try and release it. Valve saying, "we don't personally wish to endorse and publish this game," isn't even remotely the same thing.

By that same token, as much as I loathe this game, if I want to argue games are art I have to be willing to accept that there are some really horrible artists out there.

I didn't know nihilistic hate mongering was a niche, but you learn new things everyday.

I completely agree. I'm not gonna dispute the games right to exist but I HIGHLY doubt that the devs actually care about whatever "message" that they claim to be trying to send. All they care about is the publicity it gets.

As a reminder to all first amendment apologists: Valve is not a government entity and is allowed to enforce their own restrictions on the content they distribute.

My only problem with Hatred getting pulled from Greenlight was the fact Valve has refused to moderate the shit that goes through despite countless complaints about games that barely function or don't function at all.I can't fathom for the life of me why Valve decided that this was the game that needed to be pulled

Can we all stop talking about this game? It's a stupid publicity stunt meant to make some people mad and make others defend it and all it really does is find ways to get itself into the headlines.

Wise decision; let the shitty game speak for itself. Gameplay looks terrible. Can't wait to play.

The Art of making the same game every year.

quite sure if people knew before hand how buggy and crappy it was they wouldn't have preordered and whatnot , you have to remember there was a review embargo until it released :D

that is sooooo fucking embarrassing ... it's like they're admitting they only released it early to cash grab