
More than that, there are plenty of dudes out there who don't like this shit either. I remember when my Dad canceled a bunch of his car magazines years ago because they turned into nothing more than naked women splayed on top of cars.

Totes agreed. It's not that I don't want "realistic" games, it's just that I want developers to not be afraid of expanding their horizons.

I've watched the cinematic trailer like 4 times. I'm so hyped for this game. I'm in love with the colorful and animated style.

Harassment and threats aren't covered under free speech. They put it great in this quote "the best way to ensure equally free speech for all users on their platform is to ensure that all users are equally free to speak without being targeted by harassment, abuse and threats."

I am all for free speech, but IMHO, any threat received through social media should be per se legitimate, and the corresponding ISP should be blocked from the site. Yes, the trolls will still probably find a way. Fine. But still, harassment is harassment, and it shouldn't be tolerated, period. Block the offender from

plus the fact that the beefy dude is the one saving the day while the sexy chick is simply a backdrop. again, and like you said, both aimed at males.

I'm a female who's been a gamer since the days of Atari and didn't see an issue, but now that valid points are being brought up, I too would like to see a change.


I'm so glad the shine is off the MMO rose. I have no desire to see Blizzard make anything else into one (and I was in WoW beta and played it through Pandaria ).

I'm glad that Blizzard isn't going to make a Diablo MMO, mostly because I don't like paying $15 a month for a game.

Does this mean they probably won't have always online DRM in the future?

I don't see any reason to make Starcraft, Diablo or Overwatch into an MMO. Blizzard now has four major IPs and all in a different area, that means they can choose the talent necessary for each game and give each game a real personality/identity.
There were loads of rumours about "World Of Starcraft" in the past, but

Yeah, that's what frustrates me a wee bit when the "nobody owns you" argument is trotted out, as here in the above article:

Agree with this so much. The fact that you can fall for somebody else while you're in a relationship means that that relationship wasn't right.

Oh man, so much of this is good... but this? This is incorrect.

Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.

Two of my exes initiated a relationship with me just before they broke up with the guy they were seeing, unbeknownst to me. I only found out about it after we had been dating for some time. Both of those exes ended our relationship by cheating on me. Some people just operate this way it seems and have no qualms about

I still kind of feel like it was wrong for you friend to be with the guy. Do his wife's feelings not matter at all in this whole situation?

People who help others cheat are gross and lack personal ethics. That's just a truth.

You're basically absolving your friend of any blame for being a shitty person.

Don't help someone hurt someone else. Especially don't do so for your own pleasure.

We should stop putting non-violent drug offenders in prison. Men of color who smoked crack 20 years ago no more deserve to be in prison than women who did the same.