Yeah. Blizzard's making it abundantly clear that they never want money from me again, it seems.
Yeah. Blizzard's making it abundantly clear that they never want money from me again, it seems.
Skyrim, Uncharted, The Last of Us, inFamous, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, and dozens of other single player or primarily single player franchises would like a word with you.
if anything 3rd person shooters are drowning out the first person ones nowadays.
I'd rather have both. The combat should be fast paced, but also include the skills and abilities, squad comamnds and such. But the exploration, side missions and such should be WAY WAY wider.
Well no, they don't shock everyone.... they just shock lame Microsoft and Sony fanboys that wouldn't know a quality game developer if it bit them in the ass.
I meant the stupid Republican sense of entitlement where its a false sense and makes no sense to them. They used it the last few years to get the masses saying to anyone who actually felt real entitlement that they shouldn't feel entitled because the world never owes you anything which I won't get into why they wanted…
*shake my head*
"Do you like healthcare that doesn't deny you if you have pre-existing conditions, that's available for free if you're 26 or younger, and that's super affordable whether or not your employer provides it?"
If he paid for the product, then indeed he is entitled to said product.
...I don't think you understand the concept of unwarranted entitlement.
if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.
I did the trial of Hulu+ and that was the major turn off point for me, why was I expected to pay if they still get money for adverts? Now watching for free? Sure I will put up with the ads because that's how they pay for the free version. But no way was I going to pay and still have to put up with that crap.
yeah, I was kind of a jerk, sorry about that.
Dude if you cant put up with less than a minute ads then you have issues.
Some F2P games grind you so hard, as intended, until you give in and buy.
Interesting you say that. I think it was last year Nintendo said something about wanting to move their hardware platforms closer together, to make multi-plat releases like that easier.
It would of looked so much better aswell.
Yeah, I don't get why this wouldn't be on the Wii U. I'd buy it the day it came out, as a Wii U owner, but I don't have a 3ds. I really wonder how hard it would be to make it for both. Also, if it really is that hard, why aren't they designed so that it's easy to have something on both? Nintendo makes odd choices.…
I would find the argument you're making believable if it wasn't a case where, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the situation:
Ehhhh don't give Scalia too much credit. He's not as consistent as you're implying here.