
I think Joe and Mika were pretty damn blind for a long time, but I do have to defend them a little. They have been trashing Trump for months. Since before the election. That’s what brought this on in the first place. He was clearly watching them attack him for being a terrible president, and he tweeted about it. I’m

He also asked for fancy mustard for his burger. How did they not impeach?

I’m not so sure. The rich are taxed at very low effective rates in the US. You can get a lot of mileage out of just closing all the loopholes. I do think the middle class will have to share some of the burden, but it would be replacing paying for insurance, so they’d come out ahead.

Well, there is certainly a huge chunk of their base that isn’t shifting. But we have seen their base rebel against Fox a few times. A big part of the current right-wing media only exists because they split off from the Fox crowd. I think some will split because of this.

I think it is true. Obamacare blew up on the Democrats because it was so unpopular, and it was actually a pretty solid policy. This bill is going to kill people, and the Republicans own it.

Even for the modern Republican Party, this has been terrible. Their plan is going to kill 10s of thousands of people, at least. And the way they are selling it is with a mix of outright lies and honest ignorance. For example, when Paul Ryan says that they are choosing this, I think he knows the truth, and therefor is

That was so damn terrible. Technically he’s right, if you consider giving up your insurance because you need money to eat and pay rent “choosing” to give it up. For some of the working poor, just being covered is going to cost half their salaries, and that’s before they even get to deductibles or co-pays. I guess

You’re absolutely right to mock them for their cowardice, but I’m still pleased to see them all trash it, even if they waited until it had been pulled. Anything that can make it less likely they’ll pass this thing is good, and these guys showing how little support this has definitely makes it harder for it to pass.

It’s not that people are saying they don’t have the right. It’s a question of strategy. It’s hard to call for unity, and then tell a bunch of people to stay out.

But that assumes that every person who would choose to go who is any race other than black is an enemy, doesn’t it? I mean, isn’t the larger goal to build a large coalition of people of different races to make change? Because black people alone aren’t going to accomplish it. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s just

I’m not sure on this, but I do think that a public institution can still fire you for saying things. I’m not weighing in on this particular case, but they would be acting as an employer, and I know employees of public institutions have definitely fired people before for things they’ve said. I don’t believe that would

I have to say, there are only two times where I have really been on the edge of despair for the Democratic Party, as a proud Democrat. One was after this election, when Democratic candidates got more votes for the House, the Senate, and the White House, but Republicans kept all three.

As long as you don’t blame me for supporting Bernie and voting for Hillary. At one point on here, someone was making the argument that it was our fault for that. I don’t care much for Hillary, but I did see the larger picture, and I gave her my vote. But not supporting her before she won the nomination somehow also

In states where unions have been weakened, wages go down and worker rights start going out the window. The thing you don’t seem to realize is that the forces involved are all still there. Corporations want to profit off your work while giving you the bare minimum of compensation you’ll accept. They don’t want to deal

Plus, I think a lot of the people who do realize unions did this don’t realize that without unions, we could lose all the stuff they gave us. It’s an ongoing struggle. In states with right-to-work laws weakening the unions, wages go down and conditions get worse. But people think that the changes were permanent and

He did have a work ethic, but look at the conditions in factories in this country before unions. People worked 14 hours a day, seven days a week, for terrible wages and in dangerous conditions. If my grandpa had been born a few decades earlier, he would not have had a house in a decent neighborhood and supported a

One of my conservative uncles once said to me “unions are the worst thing in the world.” It really wasn’t worth fighting with him, because I wasn’t going to change his mind and I only see him at Christmas anyway, but I did want to point out a few things to him. Like the fact that his father (my grandfather) hauled

Yeah, the thing that always gets to me when it comes to this thinking is that cutting into the margins is the important thing. The media is treating this like whoever wins the race will also have the larger political victory. I’ve even seen Joe Scarborough saying that Trump won the district by 1 point, so if the

Thank you for this, especially the last paragraph. A lot of times when a faulty stat goes out, if you try to dispute it, people think the problem isn’t real. The truth is that we should all be against using faulty stats, because they rebound on you and hurt your argument. The wage gap is a real problem, but you make

I’m not sure I’m understanding that. I’m a bigot because I think it is a hate crime?