
I have to know if you had to Google the name. I watched that movie four days ago, and have seen it at least 10 times, and I couldn’t have told you her name.

I’ve gotta say, my expectations were so low for him, I’m just impressed he can read something halfway intelligent off a piece of paper. He’s more qualified to be in the White House than his father in law.

It’s such an interesting borderline case that it’s hard for me to decide which side I’m on. I mean, I think the Redskins need to change their name, but the legal case is so tricky. There is a strong argument that the government isn’t actually inhibiting your speech by not allowing the copyright. They are just making

This is just terrible. There are no other words for it. It was just like a week ago that I was talking about how proud I am of Minnesota because we have two amazing Senators, but this makes me ashamed. Police can shoot if they have a reasonable fear, but there is no good argument that this officer’s fear was

Indeed. So many of these things just become a part of the culture. I mean, I grew up eating tacos. I live in Minnesota, and 50 years ago tacos were not a common food across the US, but 20 years ago when I was a kid, they were. We didn’t do anything wrong. That piece of Mexican culture just spread. Just like things

I guess, but that’s kind of beside the point. That stuff used to eventually go into the public domain, but now we just keep changing the laws to allow people to hold onto it longer and longer. If someone writes some major franchise today, their great grandchildren will likely hold onto the rights. It’s bizarre.

The crucifix was just an example. What about symbols of Irish culture. The Irish are certainly a group that has historically been oppressed, both in their homeland under British rule and in the US. Are we going to say all symbols of Irish culture are owned by them? If so, who does the money go to if you wanted to use

If you pass a law, you need to think about how it is going to affect things. I’m sorry if that seems theoretical to you, but there are plenty of terrible laws that have been passed with the best of intentions. Attempts to stop drug use have lead to the spread of HIV among addicts and mass incarceration. Those also

I’m pretty sure everyone agrees with you that this feels wrong. The problem is, when you are talking about passing laws, you have to think about more than how it feels, and how it will actually affect people. If we say that one culture owns all of their traditional imagery, won’t more and more cultures try to control

I agree. And I think we are mostly in agreement here. I agree with the top comment that this is a well meaning can of worms. It feels right to stop companies from doing this, but trying to craft a law that wouldn’t go way too far is really tricky.

Yeah, but the point is pretty solid. The Aztec culture is gone. They might descend from it, but the civilization fell, along with Rome and ancient Greece and tons of others. If cultural IP is now owned by members of that culture, who really owns that? Are we going to do DNA tests to see if you can use an image of

The case in the US was one where the tribe had actual patents. That’s a straight copyright case, and they should absolutely win that. And I’m all for having a law that stops someone else from coming in and getting copyrights on stuff that is your traditional cultural designs and whatnot. A company trying to do that is

It seems especially hard considering the entire history of art and design is built on artists and cultures being inspired by other artists and cultures. Rome took almost their entire culture from the Greeks and Etruscans. Every movement in art is built around many artists all inspiring one another so they have a

Cultural appropriation is something we largely agree is wrong, but where is the line? People accuse artists of cultural appropriation just for being inspired by a culture or an artist of a different race. I feel like it’s getting to a point where there are some who want us all to stick in our separate boxes, and never

You’re right, but I think in this case it would be enough. There is already circumstantial cases for multiple counts of obstruction. Firing Comey and asking Comey to lay off Flynn are the biggest two, but he’s apparently also been pushing intelligence officials to lie, and apparently asked one to get Comey to stop the

Here’s the thing I’m not sure about though: are we sure Sessions can’t do it? I mean, as far as I know, recusing yourself isn’t legally binding. Some politician said that the wording of the law said that because Rosenstein appointed him, but I don’t know for sure that’s true.

Mission accomplished. They are worried. And you’re an asshole!

They have moved closer to passing it. It’s still not real likely, but it is a real possibility. Apparently two of the four senators who were against the medicaid cut have been convinced to go with the current version. That would put them close. Last we heard, there were still two more against it on moderate grounds,

I feel bad for you. It is funny though, because when I wrote that, I specifically thought of Texas and how bad it would be to have Cornyn and Cruz.

Well, my Senator wants the media to be able to do their jobs. I’ve gotta say, I feel bad for the other 49 states. Between Klobuchar and Franken, I think Minnesota has the best senators in the country.