
Also, the official artwork is a reference to Da Vinci’s famous Last Supper painting, and someone has “sinner” written on his back. There is no doubt this is a Christian cult.

Their symbol is a version of the Cross. If that’s not evidence of faith in Christ, I don’t know what is. That’s a pretty damn universal symbol. Even if that wasn’t there, they are in a church, they quote from scripture, and there is a baptism. Does this seem like Buddhism to you?

You didn’t have the sound issues? For the first 2 whole trailers on YouTube I couldn’t hear anything, and I was seeing that all over Twitter and Facebook as well. It finally came on a little way through the Days Gone trailer.

Yeah, last year I thought Sony killed it and Microsoft did terrible. Microsoft actually convinced me not to buy three of their exclusives I wanted before the show. But this year, it seems to be the opposite. Sony’s show wasn’t terrible, but it was lackluster. And the damn sound problems happened during the only thing

Generally, to be a Christian there are only three things you need, and the third is controversial. One is that you believe Christ is your savior. Two is that you believe in the Bible, to some extent. Some believe it is literal, and others think of it as more metaphorical, but you have to believe it contains Truth. The

The problem with this is that the Bible is a large and complex document and many things Christ is supposed to have said contradict other ones. A lot of people call themselves Christians and believe they follow Christ, but don’t live up to what he said. In fact, he said enough different stuff that there probably isn’t

Yeah, if you are quoting from the Bible in a church, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you worship Christ. The thing also showed baptism and the people had a cross symbol.

I think that is a fair point. Chris Kluwe is certainly in a lower value position. But I do think Kluwe would also still be in the league if not for his political statements. He was a highly rated punter. And he did come out and say he was fired for his politics, and the way it went down, I believe him. I think the

He holds a series of records for the Vikes, and was one of the better punters in the league. His last season was not so good, but a lot of that had to do with the play calling. They weren’t asking him to punt it as deep. And he was in a pretty high profile fight with one of the coaches who was spewing homophobic stuff

It’s really not. For one thing, most Christian faiths don’t ask for consent before they baptize you. They do it when you are a baby. Only a few wait until you are an adult. I don’t even understand your point about the language and “mere Christianity,” but I will say that there is a variety of beliefs in various

‘06 was during the Bush years. The Democrats gained 31 seats in the House, 6 in the Senate, taking both of those chambers, as well as gaining 6 governorships. And Bush was more popular then than Trump is, and he didn’t have this healthcare bill dragging him down. Even the scandals he was involved in, the response to

Oh, Twitter did go nuts about this. It was called “race baiting” and “anti-Christian.”

I didn’t take any stand as to whether it was okay. Only that it is a reality. But, here I will take that stand. I think you have a right to call yourself a member of a religion if you want to, even if you are a terrorist. The KKK is a Christian organization. Other Christians don’t really have the right to say they

People regularly refer to terrorists who are motivated by Islam as “Muslim terrorists” or “Muslim fundamentalist terrorists.” This is the same. I think in both cases the terrorists don’t represent the religion as a whole, but these people are clearly Christian.

They are in a church and using Christian language, and there is clearly a forced baptism. Their symbol is a form of a cross, and one of the characters is a minister. It’s not unfair to call them Christian.

Remember that something similar happened to Chris Kluwe. He blames his political speech (supporting the LGBT community) for not getting picked up after he left the Vikings. He was a pretty good punter, yet he suddenly wasn’t wanted anymore.

Yeah, they are hurting themselves as much with the process as with the bill. This is really dumb.

Well, that’s just ridiculous for a bunch of reasons. First, I’m not expecting Republicans to straight up vote for Democrats. In our politically divided society, people who are in a party don’t vote the other way. But there are still swing voters. And people don’t show up if their party is screwing up badly enough.

Yeah, this is the crazy thing about the argument the Republicans are making. I mean, in the House and Senate, they are going forward with the investigation, and the White House is obviously sticking with Trump, but why are so many surrogates and even the head of the RNC sticking with the argument that there is nothing

I think people will know it passed. As I’ve said before, Obamacare badly hurt the dems after it passed. It took years for that to become popular. This is already less popular than Obamacare ever was, and it’s actually going to cause people to lose their insurance. There’s no way for the Republicans to not own this.