Once at a store I worked at, there was a kid running around unsupervised. By kid, I mean like maybe 5 yrs old, and by running around, I mean "full sprint, trying to body-check other customers". The floors were tile, and frequently had a lot of dust on them, so this wasn't something we encouraged. I asked the mother…
Looks like what that shows is that not as many people trust Fox, but the ones who do are very loyal. If you add together "a lot" and "somewhat," Fox is at 55, where NBC gets 60, ABC gets 64, and local TV news gets 71 percent. (Which worries me because every time I turn on local TV news it seems to be trying to scare…
We should probably be looking at what black people should be doing to make Chip less racist.
My husband was sitting at our kitchen table, working on his laptop and speaking to me. I stood by the table, completely ignoring my toddler because what my husband was saying was more important than "hi! hi! hi! hi! no?"
Can we kill off Fitz because he's the creepiest creep to ever creep?
The guy asking for the bacon sandwich in a kosher bakery week after week is a raging anti-semite and an incredible asshole. He knows what he's doing and thinks he's making some sort of stupid point.
I'm so glad the baby punting story ended with the parents apologizing.
These customers remind me of the dumbest person I ever had walk through the doors of the Borders I managed after college.
"That Beethoven is really good. He's innovative and has a real #rebelheart. He's the deaf Madonna, the German Madonna."
Madge I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but Częstochowa has the greatest Black Madonna of ALL TIME.
Note that the tweets are from the hospital, not Marvel (and as such they would indeed have to have gotten the patients' approval for release because HIPAA). Celebs do this sort of thing all over the country just about every day, and very little of it makes the papers. Sometimes people really just like to give kids a…
Even if it were cynical the good it has done for these hospitals would outweigh it. This doesn't just end at a feel good photo-op. Because of the enormous fan base involved it translates into donations:
"This has ruined my life."
The "lady" in the last story sounds like a real half-wheat...
My opinion on this comes purely from my place as a consumer of entertainment who loves Beyonce: I was wanting a Beyonce performance, like dancing and singing one of her hits, because that is where she truly shines IMO. She sounded good and the performance was moving, but if that's all she was going to do, I would have…