Right after that tweet, Lynch threw his phone in the pool, stared at it sinking for an uncomfortably long time and went to have lunch in Pacoima with a silent movie cowboy.
Right after that tweet, Lynch threw his phone in the pool, stared at it sinking for an uncomfortably long time and went to have lunch in Pacoima with a silent movie cowboy.
Or you could just hand them the extra change and ask them to give you back three quarters for the meter like anyone who wasn’t so pathetic that they had to go this far out of their way to find people to feel superior to would do.
Actually, you’re a jerk
Whenever I order food I’ve never tried before, part of me is afraid of this very thing happening. “He ordered bhaji and bodhi on the same plate?! He’s dead! DEAD!!”
Jamie Layton’s story reminds me of a famous story I heard when I was working at a regional theater festival.
Because Christians insisted on it, and to not completely violate the Constitution, they also had to promise to let all the other religions take a turn at it if they wanted, because this certainly wasn’t a blatant attempt at shoehorning their personal religion into public political space!
Exactly. They totally fail to see that the so called “persecution” is self imposed. You cannot treat other religions like they are meaningless and shouldn’t be given a platform, get deserved pushback and then scream religious persecution. That’s not how it works.
As a Pagan, part of me is like, “Hey, cool, inclusion!” Usually we’re lumped together as “Other” when religions are discussed. It kind of sucks for people to pretend like we don’t exist.
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.
So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."
No, no, no. Animals eat the placenta to cover the smell of blood associated with birth. Not for any other reason. Ruminids like deer can't even digest it properly to gain any sort of nutrition from it, for strength or whatever people claim. Safe to assume that most women aren't being actively hunted. The placenta is a…
Raven, Raven, Raven...that po' chile galavants through this life as if her rarified childhood has made her transcend the trivial concerns of the rest of us negroes, when in reality she is as sheltered as a homeschooled luddite from Maquoketa, Iowa with the oblivious hubris of European princess/fashion editor. I'mma…
This article is clearly propaganda for empirical, evidence based ideology, and logical critical thought.
Can we make an effort to insert a "fuck you Andrew Wakefield" line into every discussion about this so people know the name of the person who kicked this bull shit off by falsifying a medical study and selling his soul and the lives of thousands of children for the chance to line his pockets?
Can we have a round of applause for all of the awesome managers this week? There is nothing more satisfying than a manager that has your back when a customer is being an asshole.
The other day I witnessed a mother grabbing her (13 year old?) son by the front of his shirt and saying "don't you EVER do that again" for being snotty to the cashier at a coffee shop.