Jean Rhys Lives

Holy crackers, my boss gave me a copy of that shitty book! I did not realize this was a thing other people were giving out. I pretended to read it and changed the subject every time it came up.

She gives me the confidence to go sleeveless! Her exfoliation and moisturizer game is way more on point than mine, though.

I know that my day is going to be spectacular because I started it with this.

IDK what your day is like today, you're probably really busy, but if you want a palate cleanser to the garbage rants we've had heaped on us, I find really useful.

Seriously, though. WTF are you talking about?

Jack Russells are tenacious, but they were trained to chase out foxes during hunts, not to kill them (since that would end the fox hunt). Yorkshire terriers, on the other hand, were bred for rat killing. My brother in law has two, and they decimate anything that squeaks without prejudice.

It's funny, because Jesus never said anything about gay people but he said a whole lot about rich people. Ha. Haha.

OMG and it has its own cheesy, repetitive theme song!

Yup. I'm cool never visiting Belgium. I can find pommes frites anywhere.

My husband is British Punjabi, and we both have written off Australia as a place we would visit or live. It's ridiculous when you think about it, because you guys so need people in the medical profession down there.

Winston is that weird part of us all writ large. But also is a really supportive friend.

And he's really vocal about supporting gay rights. And he loves his mom.*

I disagree with you about his acting abilities, actually. It's not like Captain America is a challenging role, but he really made that character for me when I was in no mindset to like it at all. And, when he's playing the douchy character on screen, I find him quite affable.

I had a woman come up to the register with one pair of jeans. I rang them up, and she says to me, "Why are those jeans $19.94? Isn't it two for $30?"

I dunno man! I dunno! Up is down, Hiddles is Batch, Batch is Turing...

Sorry sorry, I'm sorry. You say Hiddles is gonna be in the next del Toro? Hiddles in a del Toro? Hirdles ni te Dorol.....

That is a perfect example of an outfit I should never wear, but one I want to wear so, so badly.

It's funny conundrum because Creationists recognize and envy the authority and influence scientists have over the public which was built over time by careful objectivity and a dedication to proveable facts, but at the same time, Creationists want to do none of the leg work to achieve the same. They just want to mooch