Meanwhile, the NFL is perfectly fine associating themselves with sponsors like GoDaddy.com, which blatantly objectifies women, nevermind the millions they receive from alcohol companies while doing nothing to encourage responsible drinking. Football is not exactly a family friendly activity, and the Super Bowl is an…
Aladdin is also set in the fictional "Agraba" which sounds a lot like "Agra", a Mughal capital city.
Not only is "dicktillion" a fantastic portmanteau (maybe, that might not be how portmanteaus work), it is so much fun to say.
This is actually the most perfect response to this horrible woman.
How would one even go about getting proof of one's SAT scores? I just assumed that after I got my degree (and then another degree), they dissolved into the ether of irrelevance.
ACT forever! If I converted my ACT score to the SAT it was around 1400 (before they added the writing portion, which I would have slammed), but my actual SAT score was much lower. Fuck the SAT. Fuck it hard. In unpleasant ways.
What are your favorite moments of Katy Perry's latest public vision board?
The more I learn about it, the more I realize that New Mexico is probably one of the better states in this union. And I mean that as a compliment, I think I want to live there one day.
I guess it's all relative? My home state was and still is a hot-bed for the Klan, and I'm not from the nice part, like Indy. I'm from the area where they think Girl Scouts are goose-stepping femi-terrorists and creationism is a perfectly valid scientific field. We get uncomfortable questions everywhere, but I feel…
Big cities are usually pretty casual about interracial couples, but on the whole, the UK has its fair share of racial problems. My husband was born in Britain and is first generation Indian. In London, it's absolutely no big deal, but going to other areas, it's less cut and dry. The same is true in America; in…
I really don't know what to say to that, because it seems like you're just ignoring information now. The fact is, even if people have changed the definition, which change, by the way, has been recognized by a pretty authoritative dictionary, it still is not even close to the mixup in the article above. You just want…
Actually, let's do bother with those other OED definitions, especially the following:
Oh my god, my new obsession! I should have waited to start it until the entire season was done, because waiting a week in between episodes is seriously killing me. Especially after that last one, holy crap!
I want to watch The Mindy Project so bad, but I don't get HuluPlus where I am. And it's not on any of my *cough* alternative sites.
I started watching The Bridge (the Danish/Swedish version) a couple weeks ago. But at about the second to last episode, it looked like something terrible was going to happen, so I switched it off. If I don't see it, it never happened! Right guys?
It's like Pushing Daisies but involving genitalia.
My sister-in-law was detained for hours at Toronto. A whole bunch of my family was travelling from the UK for a wedding, all on the same flight, but because she was travelling with her kids and not her husband, officials there told her they were concerned she was running off with her kids. Also, she's Indian (although…
I have 72 married friends! I am fucking 27, no 27 year old should have 72 married friends. But I am also married, so am I part of the problem? I'm so sorry if I'm friends with you on facebook.