Jean Rhys Lives

That is fucking awful. I am so sorry that this happened to you and that they did nothing to help you. It is absolutely disgusting and indicative of the atmosphere there. I went to U of C for grad school, and the attitude is studying comes first and your mental and physical health second. The academic administration


Whenever I talk about Channing Tatum to other people, I inexplicably adopt the broest speacking style ever, perhaps in an attempt to demonstrate that my admiration of him has little to do with his physical appearance. Inevitably, it goes something like, "Dude, oh my gawd, Channing Tatum is so fucking funny man. He's

This will be me at 74 only sat on my nicotine stained couch, sipping a Carlsberg, and watching reruns of Sleepy Hollow's 17th season.

Because Thor and Captain America are actually better Supermen than Superman.

Really interesting read. My husband is first generation Punjabi, born and raised in England. I am a white lady mutt from America. I think at first his mother wasn't too thrilled about me, but we worked on our relationship. It wasn't that she was hostile; I think wary is the better term. She wanted to make sure that I

That shit he said about the London riots was jaw-droppingly appalling. Oh yes, let's maim adolescents, because they haven't been fucked over enough by the Tory government. That will show those opportunistic poor people.

I nearly fell off my chair when I thought Nightcrawler was coming back for Days of Future Past. So disappointed that it's an old photo.

I'm short (4'8 1/2") and from the Midwest too! *high-five* If no one is around to judge me, I'm climbing everything to get what I need in stores, but if someone is around, I just ask, and they're always really nice about it.

Sherlock fans can't handle Amanda Abbington? Fine. Then they're not invited to watch my Mary Morstan and Molly Hooper spinoff.

I love Sansa, and anyone who insults her or calls her naive is getting challenged to a street fight.

3. If you have hair in your vagina, you should see a doctor. The word is “vulva.”

Except white people have a disproportionate representation in congress, control a disproportionate amount of jobs, and control a disproportionate amount of wealth in this country. When there is this imbalance of power, the majority with all the power disparaging a minority with little of the power is a fucking actual

"I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the

Fucking Butler chapter of TKE. Didn't they get banned or suspended?

Oh god, if a textbook said it, that must be the end of the conversation. Job done. Go home, Cornel West, your services are no longer required.

I was not surprised this was TKE. I went to Butler, which is in Indianapolis where they are based, and their house was right across the street from my freshman dorm. Their yearly tradition was to play "Dominic, the Italian Christmas Donkey" on loud speakers (so the entire campus could hear) on a loop during finals week

Basically what you're doing is equating someone expressing anger at the behavior of a dominant majority to the oppression that dominant majority has wielded for hundreds of years. It kind of makes you look like you haven't been paying attention to your history.

It's even fucking worse when the majority of that type of comment is trying to defend "the majority" of white people and not expressing sympathetic outrage at the actual blatant racism in the first place.

Oh no, my feeeeelings! I had a small black lab-mix named Roxy who we just put down this year. She reached the respectable age of 16.