Jean Rhys Lives

I don't think I agree with you in this case because it does seem like he may have targeted her because she was already emotionally vulnerable. He was taking on the responsibility of a counselor and as anyone in the therapy profession will tell you, the patient-doctor relationship is an incredibly imbalanced one in

Wait, do you mean Tom Stoppard?

Can I have a reading list from Margaret Atwood instead?

I can't tell if it's a blister or her toenail. I think I remember hearing that she used to be a ballerina, which would account for really messed up feet.

Being under five foot myself I sort of agree with you, but if the dress is structured right, they can come off looking really glamorous.

I was going to say, right now I'm eyeing a $50 night moisturizer because my face is so uncomfortable right now. I don't know if it makes me feel better or worse that Martha Stewart spends about the same amount on her moisturizers. When I read the title, I swear I thought they were going to say Martha slathers her face

I have a feeling that this has a lot to do with frequency that trans women get this question. It might, in fact, be the only question they receive too often, and it's one that is really invasive and inconsiderate, and it's probably rarely ever worded well. And it definitely doesn't seem to me to be at all out of line

Ooooh, AAR. Also Div School grad students (at least at U of Chicago) can drink. I had to limit my social engagements with my fellow History of Religions cohorts for the sake of my liver.

What? The fuck?

I would not hitch my wagon to David Fincher, personally. His two decent films were Zodiac and The Social Network. I really hated his fetishist adaptation of Dragon Tattoo, Benjamin Button was altogether stupid, and Fight Club is the most egregiously overrated anarchist, macho posturing. Film Critic Hulk said it best.

There will always be at least one Zoolander reference in an article about edgy men's fashion. It is law. And a comforting reality.

Well, I know at least one male London native who this might appeal to...

My husband's friend does the fasting diet. But it's an alternate fasting diet. As in, they fast every other day. Like, what, why what is this, are you guys ok?

But there are women protagonists in Frozen. WOMEN. PROTAGONISTS. What, you wanna make the kid gay?

I definitely missed the part about "And Tango Makes Three" being based on a true story....

Because he has done things that suggest he actually doesn't like gays. Literally, because of that. Characterizing gays as sinful and wrong and against nature is something he has done. It's an action. Saying he loves everyone is just empty words.

When art echoes life....

I would be surprised if he didn't have some sort of clause in his contract about not speaking that kind of stuff to the press.

How do you hear someone basically say, "Being gay is like bestiality, and they're all going to hell" and NOT interpret it as strong and unfair dislike?