Thank you so much, Callie, for putting "LOOK AT JOHN MAYER'S FUCKING COAT" in all caps because I would not have clicked through if you hadn't, and my day would not have been as bright.
Thank you so much, Callie, for putting "LOOK AT JOHN MAYER'S FUCKING COAT" in all caps because I would not have clicked through if you hadn't, and my day would not have been as bright.
Simply the best.
Not the same guy. The guy you're thinking of is Uncle Si, who I can't say for sure doesn't harbor prejudicial and bigoted views, but who I do kind of love? He's a Vietnam Vet with a sweet-tea problem and who's always singing the wrong lyrics to pop songs. That particular scene followed Phil (the embroiled patriarch)…
Tuh-Terry? I shouldn't have watched this, as I am not caught up on True Blood, but you did warn me.
She is the most precious thing that these isles have given to the world in recent years. I'm so jealous of Charles, getting to have a convo with her.
I love her. She's really put some energy into the show.
My husband and I were watching the first episode of Sherlock the other day, he sees Freeman, and goes "God, he just looks like a bell-end, know what I mean?" Yes, my darling, I do.
I'm a little surprised everyone is so shocked Phil said this. He's always saying some pretty borderline homophobic stuff on the show anyway and some pretty blatantly sexist things. I never liked him, although I am a fan of the show (yea I know, but Ms. Kay is adorable I can't help it).
Most if not all of her love/break-up songs are about valuing the best of yourself and knowing what you want. "Single Ladies" may not have the exact lyrics that all women (those who don't want marriage in the future) will relate to, but I always felt her central themes are about self-confidence and knowing yourself.*
Oh man. Geezy pete. Can you even imagine what the big name stars go through?
OMG CAROLINE?! I love Caroline. Favorite character. I'm glad to hear she's a nice person as well.
Noooo! My childhood!
This. This one is my favorite.
See, forget musician groupies, I want to hear Comic Con stories. Not even about celebrities, just what weird cosplayer combinations we can get. Like, a gender-bent Loki hooked up with a Mega Man.
My best friend was on our university's concert committee as a freshman. Our very first concert that year was Ben Folds whose opening band was The Fray (this was before they had gotten majorly huge). One of the seniors asked my friend to take the opening band out to dinner, which I still think to this day is a stupid…
Brown girl, brown girl
Turn your shit down
You know America don't wanna hear your sound
Boom boom jungle music
Go back to India
With your crazy shit, you're bombing up the area
Looking through your Instagram
Looking for a pentagram
All I see is poor people, they should be on ghetto-gram
You don't get our underground
I will never not worship this woman. Don't even bring your hate to me. You're not welcome in my house.
I honestly did not realize how intolerable Kathie Lee was until this post.
Does this mean Hoda needs a new drinking friend?