Jay Gee

Notice the arrow pointing right to his mouth. Yeah, that's right.

Cause we don't exist as retaliation for homophobes.

It means the only kind of people who would be so obsessed with the behavior of gay people would be other gay people. And I really have no idea how you think that means being gay is terrible.

Ah, "Liberty Institute", continuing the fine tradition of naming things the opposite of what they actually are.

From a male perspective, there's something innate in how I go out and get resources to provide for my family. I'm very uncomfortable with a woman coming into my domain, taking the task that was once mine. Oh shit, wait...

I mean, at least they've done something to the sticks.

Because of a computer monitoring system that mandates nightly reports to corporate HQ on labor costs, encouraging managers to get creative with the truth when it comes to workers' time sheets.

Maybe it thins out at the Doctorate level?

"studies the geometry of moduli space, a complex geometric and algebraic entity that might be described as a universe in which every point is itself a universe."

Huh, I didn't know she could sing.

I've often noted when discussing topics like this that there's a sizable group of people who view these more "traditional" kinds of decisions through the lens of patriarchal influence, and use that influence to diminish the value of that decision. How do you think we can balance acknowledging these influences while

Maybe, he could start by turning himself in.

I understand that mindset, but not when your private life is admittedly raping a little girl, then running away from the consequences.

You know you're famous when you have to announce you're going to make an announcement.

Didn't you know? You can use mental illness to excuse your opinions, unless it's something that enough people disagree with, in which case it's ok to mock.

Rosie told her, 'You're just rattling off Republican talking points.'

It's probably just embarrassment from having your mom advertise that she thinks she's hypnotizing you to do housework. I know I'm embarrassed for them

Part of being the "whole package" is looking very, very bored.

Can I just have a g-d chicken nugget, please?

I got comprehensive sex-ed, which included "the only way to definitely not get pregnant or get an STD is to not mash parts, but hey things like condom and the pill exist and work pretty well if you do them right" in the 8th grade, in the south. But there was some of it from a purely reproductive standpoint later on, I