Jay Gee

If numerous college students are filing complaints about bullying and harassment by coaches, maybe they should fire both the men and women....just a thought. It's kind of hard to get all indignant about the firing of someone whose defense is "yes I was a mean bully, but the men do it too!" It sucks if there is a

Way to gloss over the alleged misconduct.

Newkirk proposes that Griesbaum was fired for using the same motivational tactics other coaches have employed, but is being held to a different standard because she's a woman.

I wrote about this: http://tbo.com/list/news-opin… I'm a survivor of leiomyosarcoma (LMS), the rare cancer at the center of this debate. To me, the question is: Will more women die if power morcellators are banned or will more lives be saved? In an analysis, Dr. Jubilee Brown estimated 17 more women would die each

Color me puzzled, but how would using this tool during surgery potentially spread cancer? Is it that it cuts tissue into pieces small enough they could be missed when getting the tissue out of the body?

Okay, there's a risk with performing the laparoscopic surgery, but there's also risk with performing the more invasive, non-laparoscopic surgeries. It would be nice if Jez would hire a science writer who would go more in depth on these things instead of using the typical media scare tactics that make people distrust

The people who brag the most about how #blessed they are are the most insecure in general, not just in relationships, right? It's the whole "lady doth protest too much" thing.

lol this was hilarious! I did a similar prank! I had a girlfriend who told me she was raped when she was younger and it really traumatized her to even think about it.

I thought the movie was excellent, like an Amelie for Mark Shrayber

I threw up

I honestly would applaud your boyfriend if he left you. You seem like a horrible, shitty human being.

I wanted to throw up reading this.

"To be even more honest, none of the things in the book really grossed me out."


Early in the first book there's the scene where they go to the Wizard bank to see that it's being run by short, greedy, ugly goblins with comically exaggerated noses.

Which is sad, because these crappy algorithms are used to justify all kinds of other decisions, like who a story is "for," or what kinds of jobs people might want to do.

On a serious note: Algorithms (especially advertising ones) aren't trying to be super accurate. Their goal is to help an advertiser increase their click-through and conversion rates by maybe 50% (so, 15 sales vs. 10). I work in paid search ads and I can tell you that "targeting" by age, gender and other lifestyle

Hmm, no. We men don't care about much. If we care, we remember. If we don't then we forget. Also, we can't do 2 things at once, so if a person speaks to us while we do something, it doesn't register.

she's an extremely narcissistic control freak (who can forget her "documentary" where she talked about having every image and sound of hers stored in some climate controlled room - even pics taken by fans - she has to control everything, always be perfect).

How much are y'all offering for the unaltered originals?

But she's such a FEMINIST, y'all!