False dichotomy much?
False dichotomy much?
Meh, mostly reserving judgment until I can actually see the material in question., but my cursory research shows this is a general "Health" book with a section on reproductive and sexual health, so I can't imagine they go into super-erotic detail.
I'm unable to watch the video now, does he reveal which of them is the top and which is the bottom?
Yes, but do we have any thoughts on Mr. Sullivan's once supposedly ample foreskin?
Some parents are outraged, while some are calling this a fun and harmless joke.
I made each and every one of those faces myself.
"Twitter may have a high potential to induce psychosis in predisposed users," thanks to the interactive structure.
Well yeah, seeing narcissism as a character flaw would mean a narcissist would be flawed! And every narcissist knows they're not flawed, so narcissism must be great. Logic! Or something.
While promoting a movie about belligerent reptiles, Megan Fox has revealed to the universe that she neither eats carbs nor has much sex.
In fact, Lucy beat Hercules at the box office, proving it's really easy to beat the second Hercules movie of the year, especially when no one wanted to see the first one.
Disco is...back? Maybe?
[sarcasm] Bu bu bu Guardians of the Galaxy was a success! So anything can work now! It's not like it had anything to do with the writing or cast chemistry! [end sarcasm]
Is that even out yet?
I think a Black Widow movie would be way more entertaining than anything Sony could pop out.
Meh Spider-Woman and Firestar are usually pretty restrained in the Gazonga department. But yeah, Black Cat and Silver Sable...
Bu bu bu don't you want to know what happened to Peter Parker's father?
I'm more down with Expendabelles than the Ghostbusters reboot, at least. If Ramis couldn't get a new one made for 20+ years, you just need to let it go!
So real nerd talk here: I'd be super excited if this was a take on the Ultimate version of Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew. My biggest disappointment in Ultimate Spider-Man is that she wasn't really explored as a person. BUT! Sony's demonstrated that they're aiming to drain the Spider-Universe well with whatever schlock…
A penis, on a screen, in 2014, is just wildly absurd, huh?
Pointing out someone could have taken some very easy steps to protect themselves from people that would do them harm does not shift blame off the people who caused the actual harm.