Jay Gee

The fact that you gave nearly $500 to Kim Kardashian makes it impossible to take you, anything you have written, or ever will write seriously. You've blown it. Shame on you.

"this could be the first time a person sitting in the Oval Office has survived infidelity [from a partner's affair] and has an understanding of infidelity.'"

Please, I have a bigger bump every night after dinner! Listen to the truth, people!

Well, basically yeah. The Academy is made up of people "in the industry". He gets a vote for the big categories, just like someone who won a costume design or sound editing award.

Montano is happy to be able to challenge notions of what a woman is able to do while pregnant.

Longacre's lawyered up, hiring Mark Billion of Wilmington to her her money and dignity back.

When NBC was last considering offering her a deal, they were allegedly ready to pony up a $600,000 to get her on board.

Pay through the nose is, sadly, not the legal standard here.

To be fair, don't we all pretty much assume all of the good male CEOs are shitty, shitty, dads?

Yeah, well, if you're a head of state and don't want people to make movies about assassinating you, maybe don't make you're country such a shitty one and stop being an ass all the time?

I wonder what they think about this video.

...because apparently he is the Incredible Hulk ...

How World Cup Tinderers are addressing the inevitable language barriers between users can only be guessed — do they jump straight to genitalia sexts?

Just look how she fills up THE WHOLE ROOM! Who does she think she is?

The biggest problem with Jessica Simpson's body is the empty space between her ears where a brain should be.

"If the Third Reich was so bad, it would have been toppled," he argues, before the filming begins.

Why do you think it's odd? Considering the social situations where a person wouldn't want to send the words penis and/or vagina in a message/email (basically any professional situation) don't you think it more wise not to include them by default?

Let's imagine if it did...

A person saying they recogize the neighbor as the person who robbed them is probable cause for an arrest, yes. Is it enough for a jury to convict? No, but that's a different standard.