Little trick I picked up over the years. If you’re fighting from the low ground, you’re going to want to duck real low, so your opponent has to adjust their stance and lean over more to make contact. You’re taking them out of their center of balance and at this point, you grab them by the waist of their pants and

This was, honestly, a very good review. Better than expected. I liked it and hope that the new Evan-less season will be finally worth watching.

So are European brands just classifying anything whatever the fuck they want? By the way have you guys seen Mercede’s new van?

I heard it comes with a custom paint color that is a blend of Grabber Blue and Pussy Magnet Yellow.

The lowest hanging fruit would be a joke about her tits.

That was a terrible arc.

He was near the Assy Knoll. This of course is in the stadium parking lot where Bills fans tailgate.

I believe so much in “America” that I cry foul when you don’t stand for our national anthem, yet I will threaten to overthrow the government if the election doesn’t go my way.

Glad I could help! Get that thing safe it’s too pretty.

Just two guys who met their ends via a piece of wood.

Husky and Starch

Short-form Foodspin trailer

I HATE having to buy a new vacuum every year or two!

Every single time.

It looks like he fought...

God, it’s like if Trump knew enough about cyber to write a blog.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

Gee...I wonder what could have been so distracting...