I made a tribute video:
I made a tribute video:
Hopefully not whale penis foreskin. That’s going a bit too far. But yeah, catering to this “vegan” stuff is enough to piss a rational person off. If you don’t want to eat animals, fine. Sure. Watch in horror as I devour my delicious burger. But why the fuck do you want “vegan” pasted on shit that’s made from synthetic…
They sale me books; they sale me educashin; cheerleders in tite duds... I’m graduate.
It’s nice to see his manager pissed on his behalf.
It might be time for the Mets to convert Harvey into a reliever.
This injury could prevent him from truly developing as a steady Number One.
Paul: Hey Kevin, do you prefer The Durantula or KD?
Due to his ability to distract Oregon State shooters, Michael Phelps has been recruited by the FBI to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.
Pretty adorable in the classroom, but I bet it got awkward at recess when he was the last one picked for kickball.
“P.P.P.P.P.S. Teacher hits us when we make mistakes. Send help.”
“In the college library instead of studying for finals“ has to be on the list somewhere.
Potvin? I hear he sucks.
The “Water’s off easy clear Jeb Bush Blase”