This thing could have the ass in front (it does), but will have an even larger ass behind the wheel who gives no fucks about you or your thoughts. Only that s/he’s driving a massively expensive (and ugly) BMW. Can’t wait to see the soccer moms trying to hustle their brood around town, tearing up those rims because

I’m a Yanks fan and I don’t think this “unwritten rules” beef is limited to this team. Seems that every player has a view on what’s fair play and what’s not. I have no problem with Nunez bunting.

Using losses to mitigate gains is 100% legal and not only for the rich. Tax loss carryforwards are 100% OK to use. I hate these clowns as much as anyone but arbitrarily mentioning a piece of commonly used tax law is misplaced.

This dude is now 69 years old; 70 in October. I’m guessing he does 55 in the left lane with his blinker on while wearing a hat about now.

They sold out of all the Youth XLs; this was the best they could do.


I guess there’s always Sicnarf Loopstok

And Nixon was president.

From a Yankee fan, I wholeheartedly agree. The biggest unlikable factors for FANS are their leadership (Levine, Trost), their unfriendly PR czar (Zillo; though they got it right with the Judge thing), and their ridiculously expensive everything.

I’m partial to an A5 convertible. Large enough to hold four plus beach chairs. More comfy than a Jeep (which I LOVE). Fast enough to boogie home

Young son, about an hour after enjoying a dyed green bagel (what’s more St . Patty’s than that?) puked it up all over the back seat/carpet. Green bile and stuff. Lovely.

I have a pair of yellow for riding in reduced light. Work wonderfully.

My first redhead! Just brought her home.

Joey Tribiani is my hero. Can I meet him? In a 911R? Please?

So murder is American, but mercy on your soul if you sit in protest during the National Anthem. Holy shit these people are crazy.

Dude in the jacket is totally peeking. Peeking is creepy, dude in the jacket.

I just watched this whole speech. It’s equal parts delusional, batshit crazy, hypocritical beyond description, insulting to women and the accusers, hilariously and craptastically crushing the last people performing actual “journalism”.

Kidding aside, he’s doing serious Pulitzer level research putting this criminal.


WHY!?! Or really, since it’s Toronto, YYZ!?!