Jim Cooke is a mad fuckin’ genius. God bless him

18-1. #neverforget

I'll probably get shot for saying it, but why can't they color match the brakes with the accent in the car, say, the red piping on the seats. Or make that piping match the brakes. Either way, the yellow is just, meh. (ducks)

wow he really made the leap seamlessly, with no one stumping for him.

older 911 drivers used to pull out pretty easily, too.

Good to hear. He never calls anymore.

GOOSE! (sob)

Excellent observation. Droopy ass for all. Yay'merica

How I read the header:

Totally LOLd. Well done, my friend

Keep your swastika-inspired steering wheel / groin buster.

I just let out an audible gasp when that slo-mo of his calf muscle rolling up like some cheap window shade. Damn.

wife and I used this last night. HIGHLY recommended.

Not pictured: Lochte's career

Not a mega fan (is there, really?) of Queensryche but they also had two competing versions touring concurrently. One with the lead singer (most important) and another with the rest of the band.

Cats always land on their feet —Felix

I can say this because I am one, but one deviation from the Soul Cycle entry is the Peloton crew. Again, I am one, so there. Same as Soul Cycle but we stream classes from our homes. The addiction is real, yo. Just don't ask me about it outside my house or I will bore you to tears. I promise.

I used to work with a Wingman Ho. Still my favorite name ever.

I go sweetener first (same travel mug so the ratio is fixed and certain), then coffee, then milk to achieve proper color. Highly recommended sequencing

Was clearly purchased by some oil-laden tycoon with ties to U-Texas. Or Roger Clemens. Douches, all.