Did you pop the trunk in this video at 2:40? Or did it just get excited?
Did you pop the trunk in this video at 2:40? Or did it just get excited?
Can we have more of these? No, for realz. This is awesome.
The RatPack should be on here. Maybe not a winner but damn, it is good.
Are the Escorts already taken?
Be wary of the big chain stores. They sell names that you used to know that are now made in China and are crap (and weight a ton). Try hitting up a local bike shop where possible. Buying a good used bike is a good option, but know what you’re looking for. Get educated. I have a higher end carbon fiber road bike that…
I house the pickle as an appetizer then politely request more. Because my blood pressure isn't high enough. So I need more salty goodness to complement the sodium in my sammich.
Tried that. one per acct
Tried that. one per acct
Can only use this code to buy one, unfortunately
Can only use this code to buy one, unfortunately
I admittedly laughed WAY more than I should have from that one. Expertly constructed, my friend.
I’m so bummed Stanton signed that ridiculous deal. He gave Loria the first 3 (?) years on the cheap, then he can opt out of the rest (when it gets expensive). Fuck Loria.
I don’t think the full beauty of this comment has been yet realized. Bravo, sir.
I cried. shoot me. The big man made me cry like a baby. The blubber has me blubbering.
30 > 28 every day
Who didn't, amirite?
“...he jerked a dong last night...”
Car + meh = carmeh. Bad carmeh.
It's been so long that I can't remember when I realized when my best days were behind me.
Can't wait to join the Mile Long club, Solo Aviator squad.
Funny, I thought you were talking about Girardi and Sabathia in that comment
Or you can let your kid wear the bucket as a hat once you’ve finished. #PARENTING