
it’s still slicing out chunks of a game and charging you extra money for it. the only difference is with DLC they’re upfront about what you’re getting.

the great thing about capitalism is that it works both ways. if a company makes a product people want then that company makes money and the consumer gets a product they want.

I was recently trying to explain this to some people in the comments on a Kotaku article a few days ago. if you don’t have a problem with loot boxes in games then you’re part of the problem.

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It’s 2017, and I fear we’re dumber than pigeons.

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Road Rash was great. it just sucks that the best Road Rash game is exclusive to the 3DO.

the Toejam & Earl games definitely still hold up. there’s actually a new one coming out soon.

If publishers and developers made the exact same base game and just never made any of the optional content in the first place, then you’d consider that same game to be ‘complete’.

If you enjoy Destiny 2 less because you can’t make your character purple without grinding or spending money to cut down on the time it takes to come across a shader, that’s on you.

I can’t play YT but I see the thumbnail and this is one case where Jimquistion loses.

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That argument doesn’t change that games are cheaper now than they were then. You’re paying less now than you ever did for video gaming, period.

that infographic just shows how the price you pay for a game gets divided up between everybody involved. it doesn’t show how much the physical media costs to produce.

OK, so now that there are more shaders (which have no effect on the game and many people [hi!] don’t care about)

Chrono Trigger, 1995, cost $80 in 90's money. Adjusting for inflation that would cost you $128.50 now.

We pay less now for video games and video game content than we ever have in history

again it’s a symptom of a larger problem. those shaders were not only free in Destiny 1 but you could also reuse them as many times as you wanted.