
His clothes are not fitting in an attractive manner and she looks incredibly awkward. It makes you wonder about the fact that that was the best they could do.

Right, but it wasn’t just bullying. It was bullying and sexualized pics and an actual rape.

There are all sorts of problems with the story, but “is this enough to lead an otherwise healthy person to suffer extreme depression” is not one of them. I was depressed after just watching the poor kid, and I’m old enough to

> (This is my stern and probably unnecessary reminder to keep pot food clearly labeled and in a place where children and animals can’t reach it.)

Things the helpful woman wrote in her post:

I’m a 46 year old with a subscription to Teen Vogue and I make no apologies.

Go teens! Here’s another slice of hope on the horizon.

My main takeaway here is that Teen Vogue is not letting nobody get away with NOTHING. And now that there’s finally a more-than-just-decent major fashion rag out there, it went to bimonthly and may merge with the largely content-ruined Allure, *sob* (still grateful to have it at all, though)

Because he was a clueless assholes until the girl of his dreams dumped him for being a clueless asshole?

I cannot say if this is a trope within entertainment, but I can assure you that almost every bi/poly/pansexual woman with whom I have spoken has had an interaction in which some guy (frequently her partner) asks if she’s willing to have a threesome.

I can only think of one, a movie actually called “Threesome” with Lara Flynn Boyle

I also still like this movie, mostly for the nostalgia factor. It did have that sort of “Reality Bites”, canned wannabe progressive feel, even then. But one scene that I really liked and that really felt real to me was when she was describing her new love interest to her lesbian friends and they start freaking out on

It’s interesting Clover saw it this way, because I always saw the inclusion of Alyssa’s girlfriend in the last scene as a very clear indication that Alyssa and Holden are over. They could have really loved each other, but he was a giant manbaby about her past and she doesn’t trust him to *ever* get over it, so yeah.

You are the one that actually sounds cynical here....i’m not a fan of amoroso but as a business model I’ve found few ways to make money more guiltless than scouring thrift stores and selling rare finds to people that don’t have the time to look for them but instead have the money. Not to mention that as a consumer

‘Not generating anything of value’ lol this statement as a means to discredit is in and of itself the decaying American Dream in our capitalist wasteland

It’s only a con if what they’re selling isn’t what they say it is. They pay the advertised price at one retailer and then sell it again for a higher price to a specific targeted audience who is willing to pay said higher prices. I paid for two years of college buying broken electronics on eBay, fixing them and selling

I flip your grandma’s clothes

She seems annoying as hell, but I have to defend her for what is really re-purposing old crap - and also, vintage things (clothes or otherwise) are worth something to many people, and those people don’t have the time or energy or knowledge to scour thrift stores to find those items.

Exactly. As if people actually think “You know, I’m pretty sure this guy will beat the hell out of me regularly. I think I’ll marry him, give up my career and independence, and make a family with him.” The slow chipping away at a person’s self worth and gradual escalation of violence is pretty much a hallmark of

I don’t think your takeaway about Max is right. Celeste even says with despair that some little boys don’t grow out of it. We know she directly means Perry, but she can also be realizing she has to take ownership of the children she is creating and that denial isn’t working any more. When she goes home she tells Max

His fake singing voice was comically mismatched with his speaking voice, in my extremely humble opinion