
It depends on whether you like it and want it or not. It’s good that he is open about the fantasy- making it about the both of you and sharing in. On the other hand, it veers into the danger zone with the chocking until you lose consciousness. Some people just like to talk about things like these though and the chat

If you decide not to run for the hills (I don’t know if you should or not, but I probably wouldn’t), I think communication is key—if you’re not into any of that, then you should say so and set clear boundaries. Some people like the talk but don’t actually want to do it, which is also ok as long as both parties

I think the fantasies your gentleman friend describes are pretty common and don’t necessarily mean he’s a monster or whatever but definitely the sort of thing that need to be approached with a LOT of understanding about safety, boundaries and consent, which I get the impression didn’t happen in the moment when you

If you ask him “Well, how would that work?” the answer that respects your well-being and safety would suggest safe words, starting with something small, and what your boundaries are. If he answers that it would be ‘when the moment is right’, when he wanted to, or something along that bent then there is a huge issue.

Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”

It’s a funny fake dick, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call his character a rapist.

I get the feeling that this show is basically saying that people don’t really change. That after a certain age you are who you are and it takes a huge shock to the system to push you into a new direction. So basically the Matt Weiner/Don Draper approach but less romantic. Even when Don Draper was “the man” he was

Elijah is my fav. I was so sad when the news anchor broke up with him.

Wait are Adam and Jessa not together anymore, bc I was really upset when they got together bc: A)them as a couple was too obvious, both had anger issues and just many similar issues in general, their friendship felt more genuine than their relationship . B) I really was shocked jessa hurt Hannah like that and

True, but I kinda liked watching the character go through the decision process of having a baby or not, without thoughts like “but abortion is wrong!” as any sort of factor. To me, that felt like a progressive way to naturalize abortion as a choice, but not a choice of morality.

They did already have an abortion episode that seemed pretty “real” — when Mamie Rose pretty casually announced to Adam that she had aborted his kid, and he temporarily freaked out.

I have to say the Panic in Central Park is the best episode of the show for me, and I absolutely love it. So well done with the acting, costumes (the ridiculous red jumpsuit), music, Charlie appearance. I love that he came back to give closure to that character. I just love re-watching that episode from time to time

I love Girls but I think they almost went overboard making Marnie so detestable. Like, even at the worst of times the others have redeeming qualities. She is a complete zero. It is so obvious it takes me out of the story sometimes. 

i agree with you! i hope he doesn’t just swoop in and save her and take over. i hope they come to a mutual decision to be a family (if that’s the direction in which they take the show) because that could be really healthy and beautiful.

he’s way less weird than in season 1 and is so genuine. and yes, i find adam driver INSANELY attractive.

There has been so much foreshadowing of death this season by episode three I was convinced that a main character would be dead befor the end of the series, and after the most recent episode I think Jessa is going to kill herself after Adam leaves her to help Hannah raise her baby. I though this after Adams reaction to

omg i miss like when shows used to do cross over episodes. i feel like that used to happen more often.

Adam was awful in badgering Hannah to watch the movie, but the project is his own awkward way of earnestly exploring what exactly happened, what went wrong, and what went right between them. 

I can’t stand Marnie! But watching Get Out made me appreciate AW’s acting skills. She’s good at playing horribly unaware and downright horrible.

I genuinely, un-ironically LOVE THIS SHOW. I’m a little over the age it’s probably intended for but I think the acting is great and the I laugh a lot and I LOVE Elijah and that episode The Panic in Central Park broke my heart in a million pieces and I am super sad it’s coming to an end.