no. it amazes me at how so many conventionally attractive people can be so very un-sexy / -sexual *cough* NICK *cough*
Why are there no male celeb nude leaks? Who is going to take me inside the Patriots locker room?
Our household opinion is he had to pick Vanessa because Raven would have legit married him. Vanessa gives him the convenient “not gonna move to Canada better break up and pursue my reality acting/reality dancing/reality men’s hair products career”
I could be wrong, but I disagree. I was so pleased to see Vanessa model strong-woman behaviour so beautifully... despite being drop-dead gorgeous, she clearly doesn’t ‘wiggle and giggle’ for anyone. QC women are strong, clear, independent, opinionated as generalizations. Just like our Vanessa.
Whenever a “professional” is on the show, I tsk tsk tsk because what a waste of a degree. they will never get that shame off of them. A coworker went on the Bachelorette a couple of years ago - he became the joke of the office. He resigned and moved to a different state. Why do that to yourself?
Yeah like that guy who said something about once he goes black he won’t go back to Rachel?! WTF dude. Eliminate that guy immediately.
And he inhales like he’s sucking his teeth free of quinoa.
About three minutes in I turned to my husband and said “As if I didn’t already know, its clear Vanessa is going to win. The whole storyline is that he might get rejected, and they are setting her up to POSSIBLY reject him.” It was so obvious and although I like the show for the ridiculousness of it all, I really do…
I’m more distracted by his mouth never moving when he talks. Are we sure there isn’t a hand up his ass?
I briefly confused Brad Womack with Chris Soules and was about to commend you for continuing to watch if Chris was your first season.
So glad this season is over. I can’t stand looking at Nick’s slightly unfocused gaze anymore. Dude needs to not be on TV.
This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.
A lot of the privilege criticism about the strike seemed to be a race to be the wokest of them all.
I think you’re right. I also think the time period has something to do with it. Many people are more sensitive now to issues like privilege, millennial narcissism and entitlement. (Personally I think the latter two are problematic as concepts, but that’s neither here nor there.) Rory’s character seems to push a lot…
“In their FAQ section, organizers acknowledge that a large number of women, whether due to parental obligations or out of economic necessity, won’t be able to participate in the strike taking place on their behalf. “We strike for them,” they write, and “women and allies with greater privilege are called to leverage…
The organizers are aware of this and have said to wear red in a show of support and other ideas respecting the fact that striking is not an option for many women. I think this is one is tougher participation-wise than the women’s march, but I understand the need to keep momentum and keep up the fight.
You are supporting a woman owned business, you are the exception!
I have the day “off” because I only work full-time May through October as a nature guide, though I develop and practice programs and talks for this org all year round for no pay. I plan to go out with my husband, wear red and offer coffee to women striking if there are any (shout out to Pioneer Valley MA)? I tried for…
I’m self-employed, so if I strike, the only person affected is me. Damn I want to be a good feminist!