I get that in general, I’m just not sure the criticism is warranted against Davis. They’re extrapolating from one quote how she feels about her entire experience... I don’t think that’s possible.
I get that in general, I’m just not sure the criticism is warranted against Davis. They’re extrapolating from one quote how she feels about her entire experience... I don’t think that’s possible.
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.
Totally agree. The tone of this article is so condescending and cynical. And obviously the word has a deep meaning to Grace, albeit a complicated one, and I think it’s hers to use as she sees fit.
Except we haven’t seen the movie yet, or even heard a real plot description as far as I know... so you can’t really know from what angle they’re going to approach it. There’s not any reason to reboot the movie with the exact same characters, and I’m willing to wait and see if they can make the approach fresh and…
Agreed. Plus the script is written by the writer of the film “Butter,” which had some witty and incisive social commentary. I doubt they’re going into this totally ignorant. It still might be a flop, but probably not for the reasons brought up in this thread.
Yeah, you’re actually right. I forgot about the context of this particular fight... because there are so many they blend together in my head. TBF, I have never felt bad for Kelly Dodd, and can’t imagine anything that would make me.
Heather used to be a bright spot for me, but I don’t see how anyone can last on this show and maintain their dignity. It seemed like a low for her when she repeatedly called Kelly trash to her face on the bus. Like... you can’t be high and mighty when you’re still occasionally getting down in the dirt with everyone…
I think that encapsulates some moral about how these women live their lives... to work so hard for something, only to rig it and therefore not truly earn it... I don’t know. There’s a lesson in there somewhere.
Briana must be some kind of saint for putting up with her mother and staying real about it.
Plus if they only brought back one guy, he’d be the only guy from the original series she could possibly - and probably would - end up with.
She’s still pretty, but she’s ten years older now - of course she looks different. And if she did have plastic surgery (which I’m definitely not convinced of), then she’s doing what 99% of other actresses feel they have to do to stay in the game, and I don’t think anyone’s in the position to judge. If she didn’t have…
I read somewhere that Rory will date a new guy in the course of the reboot, but probably end up with one of her exes. I’m sure nostalgia is a big part of it, but it would also be harder to get viewers to care about a completely new person in only like six hours of television, when there’s so much history and the…
That seems like a pretty cruel and dismissive thing to say about a very real and painful problem.
Apparently there’s going to be a huge twist in episode 6, and what we think we’re watching isn’t really what we’re watching. That being said, three more episodes in the documentary format seems like it’ll be stretching it. I’m already getting a little bored with it, and I hope the next three eps won’t just be biding…
“Woman tied up and held at gunpoint feared she would be raped.”
Blackwork is actually a style of tattooing that artists can specialize in. It’s weird to some, but other people just like it. I also know of a lot of artists who choose to black out old tattoos they no longer like, rather than have them removed (which often doesn’t work 100%).
It’s been one episode - and we did already get a glimpse of the colonists at the end. Obviously they’re going to delve further into Roanoke mythology as the season goes on, as it is explicitly spelled out in the title. I don’t really know how you don’t get that, or what your point is.
Agreed! Sometimes that’s the best part of the show :P
The show within a show is called “My Roanoke Nightmare.” It’s also the name of the season, I believe.
I liked the premiere a lot, but I wouldn’t want the entire thing to be laid out this way. I have to assume (hope) it’s going to go in an unexpected direction (the stories link up somehow we don’t see yet, or... something) and won’t just be a reenactment show the entire way through.