James VerlanderBeek

I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.

A forced, civil war themed rivalry? The rivalries that are born and evolve naturally from years of slights, hatred, and disappointment are what make college football great. This is just some marketing ploy. Its a real Shiloh for the sport.

I haven’t seen fanatics trade so many killer punches since Jonestown, 1978.

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

That cover’s a bit on the nose.

Weird, a one-sport Olympics

If this was Jezebel, the title would’ve been “Entitled White Male Harasses Chinese Woman Online, Gets What He Deserves.”

He’s made bolder claims:

The Knicks are a super-team. All the guys have taken second jobs in property management.

The EMT gave him a Hyper Potion and brought him back from 1 HP

Ali is certainly a class of his own, but Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Pat Tillman also gave years of their life (in Tillmans case, all of them) to “fight” for what they believed in. This is not to denigrate Ali, what he did, in my mind, is no less brave or important than what those others did.

Internet must be such a scary place for all you folks. The bad joke monsters gonna get all of you.

Not sure you know what bastard actually means. At least 14 people on Jalopnik don’t know.

Haha thanks I guess. I was wrong, but nobody ever admits fault or wrongness over the Internet so I’m trying to even things out a bit lol.

Well, Tim, can you tell wnbafan1 who won those Senior majors? Can you, Tim???

It’s all fun and games until your children pick out your nursing home.

Well I mean, the user name is wnbafan1. They’re trying to intimate that wnbafan was already taken.

Unless they’re fat. Fat kids need to go on a run.

while not taking sides here, you are aware of such things as time zones, yes?

it’s all fun and games until the kid leaves a puddle in the front seat.....