
I'd be cool with an honest "Ah shit, we're a bunch of old out-of-touch Christians who just had no idea, we'll rescind the fine, apologize for the penalty, and make a small donation to whatever his charity is." Because I truly believe it was an honest (stupid) mistake. But since the NFL can never, ever, ever admit when

Where is "being hit by a car?"

You clearly don't have kids.

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.

I didn't know Why Your Team Sucks 2014 was a contest, but I'm ready to declare a winner now. Any objections?

BREAKING: the NFL has hastily and retroactively promoted Cardinals linebacker John Abraham to executive.

These fucking idiots are ALL awful. Fuck Peter King, fuck the NFL, fuck Roger Gooddell, fuck the Ravens, fuck Rice's lawyer, fuck Steve Smith, fuck Schefter, fuck Harbaugh, fuck everyone who defended Ray Rice and/or tried to pin some of the blame on Janay, and most of all, fuck Ray Motherfucking Rice.

+restraining order and suit for emotional damages

See what I mean? Commenting going to shit. No mention at all of how far can I punt a football. F minus.

Why Your Contributor Sucks: Chris Fucking Kluwe

Hahaha, trolololol. That's an epic one. Did you have someone ghostwrite it for you? Listen stiff cock, if you don't understand the reasoning behind the spelling and the history behind it, maybe you should step away from the keyboard and pour yourself a tall glass of STFU.

I saw some asshole comment on Twitter that this girl shouldn't be allowed to play Little League because she'd be a distraction. As if there aren't a million other distractions to Little Leaguers, such as: 1, I can hear my mom yelling at me! 2, Hey that cloud looks like a wiener! 3, How many marbles can I fit in my

I'm just going to take this as an opportunity to repost this, since it seems appropriate:

But they have a whole month dedicated to breast cancer awareness! They give 5% of the profits to Susan Komen! You bet the NFL cares about women('s money)!

When chupacabra69 is defending you, you are in the wrong. 100% of the time, you are in the wrong. Period. End of story.

The man, like so many others in the US, has a really bad understanding of free speech and people's rights. Yes, Donald Sterling absolutely has the right to be an old racist in his home. That's why he's allowed to be one and isn't dragged off to prison. However, that does not make him immune from criticism or

(Originally published May 11, 2008) May 1st 1980 I came home from school to find my mother waiting there for me, a