
Piece of shit rapist. Sorry, I got nothin else.

I think you mean it’s going to be a long, wonderful summer.

I definitely wouldn’t mind 90 or so servings.

This is the most delicious dead-horse soup I have ever tasted.

Now that you have dropped out of the race, you have a lot of time on your hands to post on Gawker, right Scott?

“Dear Gov. Walker,

So you're the .1 percent that was supporting that bozo...

Scott Walker can fuck right off and apologize to all the public sector employees he’s demonized and dramatically changed the lives of. Scott Walker is a complete asshole. You can fuck off too.

You should issue an apology for that shit comment.

*Half a dozen grayed-out commenters who Went To College Once come marching in, rambling something about about ad-hominems and Sticking to Sports and bias*

My husband has watched both Republican debates. Yet, every time Scott Walker appears on the screen, he turns to me and says, “Wait, who’s that again?” Scott Walker has the charisma of a piece of overcooked zucchini.

Unfortunately that’s something that many companies can’t quite get through their skulls. Even for the parent who just got done delivering the child. How many companies still require the mother to take unpaid leave to care for their newborn up until they’re old enough for daycare?

You are a child. +10 for realizing it.

Evan writes about comics. Stephen writes about wrestling. It’s what us grown ups call “the intersection of pop culture.” If it hurts so bad, click on the article above or below the articles that are obviously related to gaming in only a tangential manner. Then go and bitch and whine about why the Deadspin guys have

Go read what it says at the top of this page.

Hardball Talk writer Aaron Gleeman had the best response.

Great story. Compelling and rich.

At the risk of calling madness upon this article, I'll try my best to sum things up.