
Weird they didn't mention that in the article oh wait

Please make swing/pitch mechanic analysis a weekly story. This is one of the reasons deadspin is awesome. thank you, good sir.

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

600 yard? We had to do a mile...


I was at a golf tournament a little while back. It was the final day and the last group was coming down 18. Some fans tried to get a better view of the green so they climbed up a tv tower. Well earlier that day a fan hit one if the golfers with his Volkswagen and then subsequently crashed into this same tv tower, so

Cue the idiots making up bullshit reasons why this isn't awesome in 3...2...1...

Fans should attend and simply, silently, ritualistically murder Donald Sterling.

It was shitty to create a copy of a complete stranger's bib, especially the asshole that even took her medal.

The difference is that people who try to sneak into the Super Bowl aren't trying to play in the effing game. The Boston Marathon has clear rules for qualifying and entering the race, and their supplies, medals, etc. for finishers are based on having an accurate number of people who registered and paid. There may not

That's exactly what I said. They would have an atomic bomb. And that it was necessary for them to carry an atomic bomb 26 miles. I see how you got that out of my comment that bandits are going to be considered more of a security risk than in years past. Honestly, your cursing makes you seem a lot more upset about this

Tom, I didn't think I'd bolivia, but now that I see the video, I do.

While Deadspin's fixation on pro wrestling (not a sport) irks the shit out of me, I do have to say that Stone Cold knocked that shit out of the park. Bravo, sir.

I'm just going to say what everyone in America, except his wife, is thinking right now: fuck Colin Cowherd.


At no point were the Africans physically impeded. Had Hall done something to directly impede their progress, he would have been disqualified and it wouldn't have worked anyway. One man simply cannot physically stop five or more runners.

Totally. Boston is a strategic marathon, with Heartbreak looming large from the gun. Meb ran this like an absolute chess match. Yeah, he had some help — from Hall, who didn't chase, and from Boit, whose breakaway allowed Meb to distance himself from the pack after the Kenyans figured he wasn't a threat. But the

What a spin doctor...

Never change, Pop. You God damn national treasure, you.

Did a quick search on 3/4 carat diamonds prices. NOPE