
How many times did that announcer say "she just doesn't have enough experience" after someone ate it? This is the fucking Olympics, they all have enough experience. The course designers, not so much.

To make matters even worse for Sam Sr., a Denny's waiter then showed up at his table with a plate of food.

so basically it's like every facet of society? Do you really think a boycott would accomplish much? In fact, Coca-Cola (a global company that uses athletes worldwide in their Olympic campaign) wouldn't take a single hit, nor would most of the partners and sponsors. NBC would likely take a hit, but then they'd just air

I called the lead planner and engineer for the Sochi Olympics, and really grilled him, but he only answered me in harmonic rhyming couplets.

I'm sorry you don't find Phillip Seymour Hoffman as fetching as I do, pulse or no pulse. The man was an Adonis.

you literally are too stupid to insult.

+1 for using the picture of him while he was going through his "getting shot in the chest" phase.

The Maple Leafs' planned response next game:

What a catastrophe

Minus the fact Seattle had more penalties called against them.. For more yards.
Do you have any more (bullshit) theories?

Just spotted Pete Carroll with 12 items in the 10 items or less line.

Walmart Greeter: Welcome to Walmart!

I think the real question is 'Whose mistress is that?'

Hmm... I think I will stick to SNES "Aerobiz" and it's superior sequel "Aerobiz Supersonic", thank you very much.

*receives a free pitchfork*

What!? The unrealistic standards that we expose cats too, are ridiculous (I'm looking at you too, Cat Fancy!). We need to stop perpetuating this impossible standard of cats, before it's too late, and all cats are attempting to achieve being absurdly cute, at all times.


For his four year old. Not him. His four year old.