Jackson Polyp

Sorry, but when you have a villain in a mask (which is already retarded enough) and you can't understand one fucking word they say, you're immediately disqualified. Bane, dude... At least Green Goblin was properly mic'd.

Meh. Needs more cunt punting.

"Literal" flames? #derp

Yes, let's all defer to the unknown hack gossip blogger to determine who is a good singer.

(Side note: have always been annoyed by Mariah, so here's a giant FUCK YOU for making me defend her. She doesn't sound bad here. At. All. If you were 1/10 as good at judging singing talent as you are producing vapid click-bait,

After he was deemed "uncool" by Anderson Cooper for appearing on the cover of an animal magazine...

Now playing

Fuck the FCC. There was always education mixed in:

Road kill.

You know what's worse than a clichéd headline? An article with no interesting content.

It would appear you've just welcomed me to one.

Please direct us to this quote, my dear arbiter of ethics.

Not sure if be so blatantly advertising it if I had such petite lady hands.

Why is it that whenever people draw a correlation between violence and violent video games, they never do so with police violence? (If anyone has, please share and enlighten me.)

Aren't emails to Hamilton Nolan supposed to be private?

Lanchester is currently in The US (as she had planned to be), but is enjoying the country on her own.

Created a burner just for that piece of insight, huh? Feel better? Want a cookie?

Woman are equal. (Until they're not and need to be infantilized.)

Now playing

The only difference between this and Palin's jibberish is that Ms. Branson manages to avoid slathering her speech in unwarranted smugness.

No, somebody died in an event where death is a very realistic outcome, particularly when one exits their vehicle and approaches oncoming speeding traffic on unpredictable terrain - with road rage, to boot. May he rest in peace among angels who are better influences than the dolts who consider this activity a "sport."