Jackson Polyp

I agree! Bahahahaha! Awesome use of the H word! Why not? It was expensive.

Hillary Clinton is a Republican.

I might be off on this one, but: If you just shout “rape” at places because you dislike them, you may minimize the true horror of rape.

I used to feel that way about Madonna. Disillusionment comes for us all in the end.

And yet I am in the gray..

And to anybody needing to get anywhere in the city! Fuck those people! I hope they missed their flights, or they got fired for being late to work, or their dates went horribly, or their kids where scared when nobody picked them up from school! I mean, why shouldn't thousands of people be severely inconvenienced so we


no, actually no one ever says mean words to men on the internet.

In regards to it being "harder to exist as a woman on the internet", I know many women who don't care or are not harmed by internet comments. If a typed, completely anonymous comment is causing so much mental anguish maybe you are not the kind of person who should be on the internet? If you travel around the

I don't get it, men also have to look at gory, disturbing images posted by trolls—how is this something only women deal with?

There's a point to Kinja? Because it's failing miserably. Comments around here were 200x better a couple years ago. Old articles popping up make it all too obvious.

For one I hate to say it but I'm going to if you get out of your car and act a fool on the track things like this happen. Thats why they should stay in their car until help arrives. Not run on the track in front of cars.

What's AOL chat??? Is that like morse code???

I like that this piece isn't just a photoshop "Gotcha!" but points out exactly why it matters: it proves how overrated this sicko is.

The fact that he gets paid to take these blurry, no-technique, bullshit disposable-camera-looking pictures makes me want to set things on fire. Even if he wasn't a total shit as a person, he should not be employed in anything involving photography.

Good lord. You people are playing in the minor leagues when it comes to dick showage. Check out rugby footage sometime if you really want to see bare-naked cocks (and balls) flopping around, and not some guy's underwear-covered package which in reality shows absolutely nothing.

It's common practice where I'm from to say "excuse me" when you think you might potentially violate someone's space. Just last week I said "excuse me" when putting my carry-on in the overhead bin, because I knew I was going to be temporarily impeding a person's personal space.

Is it impossible that you're an idiot?

Superbly done. And the fallout in the subsequent comments makes it all the sweeter.

"I'm going to use a gif to brush off the fact that I just got shut down."