
Sh’yeah! Of course he does! Who doesn’t?

That raises a question for me: how would someone go about studying Chinese Cinema? Are rather my initial question is what is the quintessential Chinese film. What is the Chinese version of Casablanca and what historical contexts would I need to bone up on to understand it?

I felt like the Ant-Man movies are the MCU’s version of that. Literally, they are small scale, light hearted, enjoyable movies to give the audience a breather from the last ginormous, heavy, visually and emotionally epic block buster.

When I went to see The Last Jedi, I didn’t want to see Luke Skywalker as much as I wanted to see Mark Hamill. I was a fan of his from the days of Batman: TAS and I was looking forward to seeing him live.

“Cat Bus from Totoro Spotted in Japan” shouldn’t be news, should it? I feel like it should be a regular thing.

That’s exactly what they do to Omega Supreme in Transformers Animated.

My work laptop was slain but, my iPhone was spared.

I’m actually finding this unexpectedly entertaining. I watched once then a day or so ago and now I’m finding myself drawn back to it.

It’s a Netflix movie. It didn’t require much effort on my part to watch it. I didn’t have to drive to the movie theater and shell out $20 and so I didn’t need it to be that good. Streaming media falls under the missing standard between renting and broadcast TV. It was more of a high budget made for TV movie rather

As long as he is part of the massive cross over episode(s) I’m in.

Awesome! Now we can have that Thanos/Cable buddy comedy we’ve always dreamed of.

I’m concerned the reason why she doesn’t want to play Rey is because of what she’s knows about the story that we don’t. What if Rey turns into a complete asshole in Episode IX? Or she could turn into some Deus Ex Machina/Mary Sue hybrid that is just completely annoying to act out.

I was always concerned about John Lasseter. He was always known as a hugger.

I think Clark Kent calls Kong Kenan by Kong Kenan. While Kong always calls Superman Superman. I haven’t seen an event where there were people who referred to them both as Superman. Kong Kenan pulled a Tony Stark a while ago so most people just call him by his name.

Why? Because Nazis.

Solo gets a solo movie called: Solo: A Star Wars Story.

I liked this show. It was different and it’s definitely American. It seemed to have more in common with American animated shows like Family Guy and the Adult Swim line up than traditional anime. Now that I think about it it’s pretty much a mash up of everything on Adult Swim.

When you stop to think about it that is what Gotham really is. I mean in the context of a fictional city that exists in a comic book. It’s really just there as backdrop for Batman.

I didn’t need to watch Gotham to wonder this. I’ve been wondering this every time I pick up a comic book.