
The Legend of Vox Machina

Yoda is close to 1000 years old. Maybe that’s just the way everyone spoke back then. Everyone else’s accent changed around him.

I really hope they get to God Emperor.

They are both too young to play their characters. Nathan Drake is old and beaten up. Sully is even older and gruffer. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mark Wahlberg was Sully’s actual age but, he doesn’t look or sound the part. And maybe that’s the issue, they just don’t sound the part. I’ll always hear Nolan North and

The one question that keeps jumping up and down in my head: are the events of Kimmy Schmitt autobiographical?

I am amazed how well that worked. It gave me goosebumps. Yes, I am a bigtime Evangelion fan.

Similar to the Muppets, Saturday Night Live’s star has been something other than ascendant as of late,” as of late? I remember watching SNL back in the early ‘90s and it was shittier then. 

Ah, comic books: What’s cannon today is retcon tomorrow.

They went there. They actually went there.

I’ve read the book and agree with you. In the book the society knew how to deal with everyone. This wasn’t a story about revolution.

Asimov connects Foundation with his Robot series through the character R. Daneel Olivaw. It would be interesting to see how deep into the world building they get.

Are they going to cover Asimov’s Robot series as well. I guess there is a lot of rich territory for story telling in this universe.

Star Wars is inspired by many. Flash Gordon, Dune, Akira Kurasawa, etc. etc. Mostly the nonfiction work of Joseph Campbell. 

I’m fairly familiar with Gundam lore but, even I was a little bit confused by the end. 

I’m wondering why Gundam Seed isn’t mentioned. It was a really good remake of the original series for the early 2000s. At least I enjoyed it back then. It takes place in it’s own universe so knowledge of the original series isn’t necessary. It’s available on Hulu.

It was well established from the beginning that 00 would be a modern remake of Gundam Wing long before it aired. I think it might have been this website (io9.com) where I originally read that before I watched it.

I was thinking Unicorn should be on this list too especially since it’s available on Netflix and therefore very accessible. My only issue is that it’s fairly steeped in the lore of Universal Century Gundam and might not be accessible to new viewers. I think the intent of this article was to introduce new viewers to

Squeeee!!! I’m giddy as a schools girl!

I’m astonished by Scooby Doo’s staying power. They are making more and kids keep watching it. The rest of Hanna Barbara I’m not so sure.

Tracy Morgan plays Captain Caveman, I’m in!