
Anyone who develops for Netflix ought to have a “back up” series finale just in case.

The Venture Brothers is still my favorite show of all time to this day, it is that good.

Lower Decks!

Castlevania. Absolutely amazing series. 

If Yaddle doesn’t speak with Yoda’s syntax it’s going to raise a lot of weird questions.

If I had a nickel for every piece of media named Prey that starred a Native American protagonist going up against aliens with vastly superior technology, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. :P

Totally down with a native American period piece action film. It’s an exciting new direction for a stale franchise.

But next, give us Pride and Predators, starring Milla Jovavich as Elizabeth, Jason Statham as Mr. Darcy, and the Predator as Himself.

Well ACTUALLY the Expanse universe clearly has sound in space. Can't have sound without a medium, which rules out it being a vacuum, so...

That’d be hilarious. I’m just imagining Mamoa acting against a Worm-Monster Guy the whole movie. 

I’ve been afraid this would not happen, but I must not fear.

Yeah, he does look like when he hits 35, he’ll still need the makeup department to draw a five o’clock shadow on him.

Well he still looks approximately twelve years old.

Tom Holland cosplaying Chris Pratt in Jurassic World.


Maybe it’s because I just watched it, but this is giving me Speed Racer vibes.

China?  Maybe.  There’s a Chinese Superman in the DCU too.

If “American way” is not about a nation, then why does it need “American” in it? If it’s about being “better than everything that came before” (ie. The past), then why is “a better tomorrow” not acceptable?

I like it.

He’s ultimately defeated when Skeletor forces him to jog at a brisk pace for two minutes.