
It was a decent movie if you ignored the fact that it was supposed to be The Fantastic Four. It almost seems like it was a completely different movie before someone decided to retool it as a Fantastic Four reboot.

What does it mean to “believe” in aliens? Is it like Heaven’s Gate that the aliens will come down and shepherd us to a new world or is it accepting the notion that with all probability there should some life out in the universe other than our own?

I still feel like we are putting the cart before the horse when it comes to whitewashing. It shouldn’t matter who gets what roll as long as everyone has equal opportunity to work and that goes for both in front of the camera and behind. The real problem is that non-white actors aren’t getting the lucrative rolls that

This right here. Andrea Romano had gone on to do so many other great things like Avatar: The Last Airbender and many of the DCAU movies. If she were involved in it somehow you could expect a certain level of quality.

If this were a two hour movie then they would need to choose between Robin or Nightwing. A television show, on the other hand, is the ideal medium to show the transition between Robin and Nightwing. It would almost be a necessity to show this transition so that Grayson could have a proper character arch. If the show

I didn’t really have a good feeling about this event when it started. I always figured if I missed it when it came out I could always read the graphic novel later. Being as how the ending is already out I’m glad I skipped it.

This was what I was hoping for. A link of trailers that follow this format.

Wow, this movie is awesome! When does it come out?!

I’ve said it before I’ll say it again; if that poster were the only good thing to come of Spider-Man: Homecoming it would still have been well worth it. The backstory just makes it so much better.

I googled eclipse glasses and bought the first thing that came up. However, mine say “Meets the requirement for: ISO 12312-2:2015".

I’ve been trying to get into Parks & Rec but, can’t get passed the first season. Do I need to watch the first season to get what’s happening in the rest of the show?

There is a rumor going around that someone is remaking the movie Splash but gender swapped. The original rumor had Channing Tatum playing the mermaid. However, watching the trailer for this movie the plot is a lot like the movie Splash. I’m wondering is this the actual remake.

Now playing

I’ve got four words: Live Action Itano Circus. I don’t know how they are going to transpose it to live action but, they have to have Ichiro Itano’s animation style in the movie.

Unfortunately it’s not entirely up to us what race we are. When the mob with the torches and pitch forks comes for us they aren’t going to ask us politely what race we think we are.

I am worried about Ron Howard taking over on the Han Solo movie. Not as worried if Michael Bay or Uwe Boll had taken over but, still worried. What worries me most is that Lord and Miller left in the first place.

Superheroes, right? Crazy $#!t happens.

In the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon Amadeus Cho somehow acquires the Iron Spider suit and fights along side Peter Parker. Hijinks ensue. Anyway, he does such a better job with the suit than Peter did Peter just let’s him keep it. And thus Amadeus Cho is the Iron Spider.

He’s a pretty smart guy I think he could pull double duty.

Not red and gold, no repulsors, and no extra mechanical arms.

Amadeus Cho as Iron Spider. Heck, let’s just get Amadeus Cho in there.